Category: Bible Textual Integrity

  • Com­par­i­son of the Texts in the Syn­op­tic Gospels Regard­ing Jesus

    In this article, I have compared the accounts of one event as described in the first three Synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke. The reader should realize after comparison that the gospels were originally transmitted through oral tradition. In the process of writing, the writers of the gospels had changed the tradition according to their…

  • The Influ­ence of the Pauline Epis­tles Upon The Gospels of The New Testament

    The Influ­ence of the Pauline Epis­tles Upon The Gospels of The New Testament

    Christians believe that Paul of Tarsus is the 'Apostle' of Jesus(P), whom he met in a vision on his journey to Damascus. Paul is also claimed to be the author of the Epistles to the Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon and…

  • Epi­menides Para­dox Revisited

    In response to our argument that Paul's fumbling of the Epimenides paradox is proof that the ad-hoc "apostle" was not inspired after all, one Christian has raised an objection. The attempted rebuttal acknowledges the paradoxical nature of Epimenides' statement, but then makes the bizarre claim that Paul's statement is true nonetheless due to other elements…

  • Epi­menides Para­dox : Was Paul Inspired”?

    Intro­duc­tion In a study of log­ic, there is some­thing which we call ​“unde­cid­able propo­si­tions” or ​“mean­ing­less sen­tences”, which are state­ments that can­not be deter­mined because there is no con­tex­tu­al false. One of the clas­sic exam­ples cit­ed is the Epiminedes’ para­dox. Saul Krip­ke says : Ever since Pilate asked, ​“What is truth?” (John XVIII, 38), the sub­se­quent search for…