nabeel qureshi dying in hospital bed

Some Crit­i­cal Thoughts On His Death : Nabeel Qureshi (1983 – 2017)

Nabeel Qureshi’s death at 34 due to stom­ach can­cer elicit­ed mixed reac­tions online, par­tic­u­lar­ly among Mus­lims and Chris­tians engaged in apolo­get­ics. Known for brand­ing him­self as an ex-Mus­lim,” Qureshi authored three polem­i­cal books cri­tiquing Islam, devel­oped a prof­it-dri­ven video course for evan­gel­i­cal audi­ences, and col­lab­o­rat­ed with Ravi Zacharias Inter­na­tion­al Min­istries (RZIM) on sem­i­nars aimed at open­ly denounc­ing Islam. This arti­cle delves into Qureshi’s con­tro­ver­sial life, his aggres­sive stance against Islam through Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary work, and the motives behind his actions, aim­ing to offer com­pre­hen­sive con­text to his polem­i­cal endeavors.

The Myth of "The Myth of Moderate Islam" 2

The Myth of The Myth of Mod­er­ate Islam”

In a recent arti­cle in The Spec­ta­tor mag­a­zine in the UK, the evan­gel­i­cal leader Patrick Sookhdeo takes a swipe at Mus­lims and their reli­gion. Does his case stand up to scruti­ny ? Patrick Sookhdeo’s arti­cle (July 30, 2005) in London’s The Spec­ta­tor, The Myth of a Mod­er­ate Islam” reflects a dan­ger­ous trend in the war on ter­ror. Under the guise of inform­ing West­ern­ers about Islam, he is in fact spread­ing the very same dis­in­for­ma­tion that anti-Islam­ic polemics have been based upon for over 1,000 years. This plays direct­ly into the hands of Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab al-Zar­qawi and oth­ers, for it encour­ages the clash of civ­i­liza­tions” they so appalling­ly desire. It is indeed of the utmost impor­tance that we learn more about Islam and fight the scourge of extrem­ism with all the tools pos­si­ble. But Sookhdeo and those like him cor­rupt this process, seek­ing to advance their own agen­da by turn­ing the war on ter­ror into an ide­o­log­i­cal war against Islam.

Do Not Be Fooled By Propaganda 3

Do Not Be Fooled By Propaganda

There is an ongo­ing slan­der cam­paign against Islam, claim­ing that it is a reli­gion that pro­motes vio­lence and hint­ing that it seeks world con­quest. Before you buy the malarkey that is being pro­duced by peo­ple with their own agen­das or prej­u­dices or who are just plain igno­ra­mus­es, fol­low these few suggestions.

Why I Love the Mus­lim Veil

Hav­ing been on both sides of the veil, I can tell you that West­ern male politi­cians and jour­nal­ists have no idea what they are talk­ing about when they blame Islam for child brides, female cir­cum­ci­sion, hon­or killings and forced mar­riages. A care­ful read­ing of the Qur’an shows that just about every­thing West­ern fem­i­nists fought for in the 1970s was avail­able 1,400 years ago to Mus­lim women, who are con­sid­ered equal to men in spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, edu­ca­tion and worth. When Islam offers women so much, why are West­ern men so obsessed with Mus­lim wom­en’s attire ? Even British gov­ern­ment min­is­ters Gor­don Brown and John Reid have made dis­parag­ing remarks about the niqab, and they hail from Scot­land, where men wear skirts.