Respond­ing To Banal Mis­sion­ary Log­ic”: Can There Be A Son With­out A Moth­er Or Father ?

Unfor­tu­nate­ly for the mis­sion­ary, an under­stand­ing can be reached if a lit­tle more thought can be put into their argu­ment. The mis­sion­ary has tak­en the under­stand­ing of these vers­es out of its intend­ed con­text and is con­fus­ing Mary’s nature (since she is only human, and hence pro­cre­ates) as a cre­ation of the Almighty, with God Him­self who is the Uncre­at­ed. Cer­tain­ly, God Almighty could have tak­en a wife” and have chil­dren” or have chil­dren” with­out any con­sort what­so­ev­er (nau’zu­bil­lahi min zaa­lik).

Wine — Good or Bad ?

Strong drink and … are only an infamy of Satan’s hand­i­work. [5:90, also 2:219]. Yet on the oth­er hand in Par­adise are rivers of wine [47:15, also 83:22,25]. How does Satan’s hand­i­work get into Paradise ?

Who Suf­fers the Con­se­quence of Sins ?

The Qur’an declares that every­one will be held respon­si­ble only for his own sins [S. 17:13 – 15, 53:38 – 42]. Yet, the Qur’an accus­es the Jews of Muham­mad’s day for the sins com­mit­ted some 2000 years ear­li­er by oth­er Jews, e.g. wor­ship­ping the Gold­en Calf idol.

The Event of Wor­ship to the Gold­en Calf

The Israelites repent­ed about wor­ship­ping the gold­en calf BEFORE Moses returned from the moun­tain [7:149], yet they refused to repent but rather con­tin­ued to wor­ship the calf until Moses came back [20:91]. Does Aaron share in their guilt ? No [20:85 – 90], yes [20:92, 7:151].