Category: Qur'anic Commentary

  • Wife Beat­ing In The Qur’an ? Com­men­tary On Sura’ An-Nis­sa’ (4):34

    Wife Beat­ing In The Qur’an ? Com­men­tary On Sura’ An-Nis­sa’ (4):34

    It is claimed that : Surah 4:34 is the noto­ri­ous verse which advices Mus­lim hus­bands with regard to wives from whom they fear ​“rebel­lion” (“wa-llaatiy takha­fuw­na nushuwza­hun­na”) even­tu­al­ly to beat them (“wa- dribuwhun­na”, ​“and beat them!”)  The issue of a giv­en scrip­tur­al verse and its impli­ca­tions are twain. First, there is the actu­al mean­ing of the verse. Sec­ond,…

  • A Study of Two 20th-Cen­tu­ry Qur’an­ic Commentaries

    Asif Iqbal There are pri­mar­i­ly two fac­tors that call for the inter­pre­ta­tion of the Qur’?nic rev­e­la­tion. First­ly it?s the Qur’?nic lan­guage. The lan­guage in which the Qur’?n was revealed was the high­est lev­el of the lit­er­ary lan­guage (Hochsprache) of the Clas­si­cal Ara­bic poet­ry. It is not the Ara­bic which the likes of Hariri, Mutan­ab­bi, Zamakhshari…

  • Does the Qur’an Say About Mary In The Trinity ?

    The Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies have engaged in bit­ter polemics since the advent of Islam. One of their com­mon alle­ga­tions is that they claim that in Sura’ Al-Maiah (5):119, the Qur’an made a ​“mis­take” in claim­ing that the Trin­i­ty con­sists of God, Jesus and Mary. The said verse is as follows : “And behold ! God will say : ​‘O…

  • Prophet Muham­mad’s Night Jour­ney and Ascen­sion to Heaven

    From Muham­mad Asad’s com­men­tary, The Mes­sage of The Qur’an Surah 17 (Al-Isra’), verse 1 reads as : “Lim­it­less in His glo­ry is He who trans­port­ed His ser­vant by night from the Invi­o­lable House of wor­ship [at Mec­ca] to the Remote House of Wor­ship [at Jerusalem] — the envi­rons of which We had blessed — so that We might show him some…