The Lamb of The Christians

Praise be to Allah who grant­ed us with the bless­ing of monothe­ism, I seek the refuge of Allah from dis­be­lief and those peo­ple who asso­ciate them­selves with disbelief.

The author of the Book of Rev­e­la­tions had described/​portrayed his god as a slain lamb with sev­en horns and sev­en eyes. He says as follows.

And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, hav­ing sev­en horns and sev­en eyes, which are the sev­en Spir­its of God sent forth into all the earth. (Rev­e­la­tions 5:6)

And in anoth­er passage :

These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall over­come them : for he is Lord of lords and King of kings. (Rev­e­la­tions 17:14)

and :

After this I beheld, and, lo, a great mul­ti­tude, which no man could num­ber, of all nations, and kin­dreds, and peo­ple, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands ; And cried with a loud voice, say­ing, Sal­va­tion to our God which sit­teth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. (Rev­e­la­tions 7:9 – 10)

Please notice the dis­tinc­tion in the last verse between God which sit­teth upon the throne” and the Lamb indi­cat­ing that Chris­tians have anoth­er god — a lamb — to wor­ship in asso­ci­a­tion with Allah, the True God Who is upon the throne.

What kind of god is that which is described/​portrayed/​viewed as a lamb, a sheep ? And with sev­en eyes and sev­en horns ! Indeed it is said in the New Tes­ta­ment that :

How much then is a man bet­ter than a sheep ? (Matthew 12:12)

And only God knows best !Endmark

Cite this arti­cle as : The Ter­ror­ist, The Lamb of The Chris­tians,” in Bis­mi­ka Allahu­ma, June 23, 2007, last accessed April 20, 2024, https://​bis​mikaal​lahu​ma​.org/​c​h​r​i​s​t​i​a​n​i​t​y​/​l​a​m​b​-​c​h​r​i​s​t​i​a​ns/







5 responses to “The Lamb of The Christians”

  1. Isaac Abdullah Avatar
    Isaac Abdullah

    I have acci­den­tal­ly stum­bled into this site, and I am ter­ri­bly dis­ap­point­ed at the behav­iour of fel­low faithful.

    It is very sad to see these sorts of debates ; as more often than not, there is hard­ly any the­o­log­i­cal dept in these con­ver­sa­tions ; no real gen­uine inter­est in under­stand­ing the oth­er faith, but rather, a crass space that is rude, igno­rant and un-scholarly.

    As a the­olo­gian, I regret the sort of child­ish, divi­sive and un-god­ly sort of con­ver­sa­tions seek­ing to pro­voke and sen­sa­tion­al­ize rather than cre­at­ing deep­er under­stand­ing and shared com­mon human­i­ty and belief in the Abra­ham­ic tra­di­tion. Sad.

    These are the same seeds that bear the fruits of hate, of war ; some­thing that is repul­sive to the taste of many the­olo­gians, and some­thing that is not taught by the sagas of Faith in general.

    Please cease such man­ner­isms or do not par­tic­i­pate in them, in Faith we are asked to preach peace and under­stand­ing, Faith (Imann) is sup­pose to open our eyes and our hearts, not nar­row­ing it or for rude, venge­ful pur­pos­es, they are not Just nor ven­er­a­ble. Rather, take time to pray, reflect on our own destruc­tive­ness, self-right­eous­ness and ignorance.

    The Almighty doesn’t need our defend­ing. It is no won­der why peo­ple turn away from Faith based spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, as I read on a car-bumper sticker

    I have noth­ing against the Almighty, it is the fan club that I have a prob­lem with”.

    Peace be with you all.

  2. Faruh Rehan Avatar
    Faruh Rehan

    One fun­ny thing I notice is that when­ev­er our mus­lim brothers/​sistes quote some­thing from the bible, the first thing the chris­tians will say is that you don’t under­stand the doc­trine”. The mus­lim’s inter­pre­ta­tion is always wrong. So bro Jason, what does a lamb with sev­en horns and sev­en eyes mean ? When the bible says Jesus wept”, did Jesus real­ly wept or what ? When Jesus said God, god why thou has for­sak­en me” did he mean why God has for­sak­en him or did he mean why the peo­ple of the world have for­sak­en God(this what a chris­t­ian stu­dent explained to me), When Jesus said I can my own­self do noth­ing”, does it mean Jesus is pow­er­less or Almighty ? When Jesus said I come not to destroy the law of the prophets, I come not to destroy but to ful­fill”. Is it wrong if I say that Jesus declared that he came to full­fill the law of the prophets (Moses, David, Abra­ham etc)? But then if I am right, why the teach­ing of chris­t­ian devi­ates from the law of the prophets”? This is fool­ish (Please note, it is not what you think it means)

  3. Samuel Rerung Allo Avatar
    Samuel Rerung Allo

    I am still learn­ing which all will agree is a nev­er end­ing process till we die ! BUT are we going to be IGNORANT and con­tin­ue to be BLIND ! Please be sin­cere to yourself…ponder for a moment if you believe that there is a CREATOR’. Now hav­ing said this,I want you to hon­est­ly ask your­self Where am I going to,if I die now?”. Can you hon­est­ly answer this ques­tion ? The answer and choice you decide will deter­mined if you are igno­rant and blind OR wis­dom and truth revealed and your eyes are opened !
    I am just a very ordi­nary human, I need not have to be in the­o­log­i­cal school or be a har­vard school grad­u­ate or even to be reli­gious fanatic.
    I take NO sides, be you a so called Chris­t­ian or Islam or Hin­du or Bud­dhist or what­ev­er you claimed your­self to be.…..I tell you all humans are DOOM and will go to a place call Hell. Like it or not again the choice is yours, your right to decide to be DOOM, GO TO HELL or be in a place called HEAVEN’. PLEASE READ, get hold of the BOOK called BIBLE’ and turn to the Gospel of JOHN Chap­ter 15 vers­es 1 to 27. READ, MEDITATE and if you believe GOD ask Him your­self, chal­lenge Him to reveal the truth and wis­dom of under­stand­ing. Don’t ask me to give you the asnwer PLEASE !
    I love all humans(mankind — males and females). BUT hat­ed the unseen prin­ci­pal­i­ties of the evil forces at work in this beau­ti­ful and won­der­ful plan­et EARTH­’where it seek to destroy!!!!
    I believe GOD and there is ONLY one GOD and NO oth­er GOD. HE is real, alive and is inter­ced­ing for all of us mankind whom He cre­at­ed in His own image. He loved us He is not reli­gion BUT He sac­ri­ficed His one and ONLY begot­ten Son (JOHN Chap­ter 3 vers­es 16 to 21 also JOHN Chap­ter 14 vers­es 1, 6 and 7).
    May God bless you and by His mer­cy and grace open up your hearts to HIM.
    My prayers for all who read the mes­sage I have writ­ten above .…. Psalm Chap­ter 90 verse 12 reads:- ” So teach us to num­ber our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom “.

  4. islamispeace Avatar

    …but you are miss­ing the fact that when John wrote this, those that read it ful­ly under­stood what he was ref­er­enc­ing by a lamb with sev­en horns and sev­en eyes.”

    So, what was he ref­er­enc­ing, if I may ask ?

  5. Jason Avatar

    It’s obvi­ous that you do not under­stand that doc­trine of the Trin­i­ty. While this word does not appear any­where in Scrip­ture, it is clear­ly taught through­out the Bible. When Christ says, The Father and I are one,” and When you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father,” He is mak­ing it abun­dant­ly clear that He is God incar­nate. There is one God man­i­fest­ed in three dis­tinct per­sons, each hav­ing a unique pur­pose. The God of the Jews and the God of the Chris­tians is one God, thus monotheism.

    The ref­er­ence that you’ve made in Rev­e­la­tion is to Christ. John wrote this in the only words that he could use to describe what he was see­ing. It would take me months to ful­ly dis­cuss the exeget­i­cal aspects of how to prop­er­ly inter­pret Chris­t­ian escha­tol­ogy but you are miss­ing the fact that when John wrote this, those that read it ful­ly under­stood what he was ref­er­enc­ing by a lamb with sev­en horns and sev­en eyes.

    If Christ was not the Son of God, and the lamb that removed our sins, then He is a com­plete liar. There’s no way He could be a good man because a heretic in any reli­gion is not to be trust­ed on any­thing that he says, yet Islam holds Jesus to be one of the prophets of the type of Moses and Noah. How can that be true if he’s a blas­phe­mer ? I believe your scruti­ny is in the wrong place. Look to your Quran for contradictions.

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