Category: Christianity

  • Yalqut Shamouni : Debunk­ing the Mis­at­tri­bu­tion of ​“Tole­doth Yeshu” to Yochanan Ben Zakkai

    Yalqut Shamouni : Debunk­ing the Mis­at­tri­bu­tion of Tole­doth Yeshu” to Yochanan Ben Zakkai

    An arti­cle post­ed on a Chris­t­ian web­site enti­tled Jesus in the Rab­binic Tra­di­tions is a good exam­ple of the lev­el to which reli­gious stud­ies has sunk in recent years, as car­ried out on the Inter­net. The author, one Sam Shamoun, who presents him­self as one who has the knowl­edge to instruct us in his cho­sen sub­ject, is…

  • Was Jesus sent to the Chil­dren of Israel or to the world ?

    Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi  Jesus(P) was sent by God exclu­sive­ly to the Bani Israil (Chil­dren of Israel) and had many times clear­ly and explic­it­ly stat­ed that he is a Prophet sent only to the Jews. There are many vers­es in the New Tes­ta­ment that sup­ports this mis­sion of Jesus(P). The fol­low­ing are only a few indi­ca­tions of…

  • Do Chris­tians make Jesus idolatrous ?

    Abdur Rafay Ahmad & Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi  Before pro­ceed­ing, please let us inform you clear­ly that Mus­lims love Prophet Jesus(P) and have noth­ing against him. Accord­ing to the Holy Qur’?n, one must believe in every prophet includ­ing Jesus(P) to become a Mus­lim. And accord­ing to the Qur’?n, if a Mus­lims say some­thing against the Prophet Jesus(P), he…

  • 10 Points Against the Divin­i­ty of Jesus

    10 Points Against the Divin­i­ty of Jesus

    As a Mus­lim, I hon­our and respect the Mes­si­ah Jesus(P) as an elect Prophet of God. The Islam­ic view of Jesus lies between two extremes. The Jews, who reject Jesus(P) as a Prophet of God, calls him an impos­tor. The Chris­tians, on the oth­er hand, con­sid­ers him to be the God in flesh and wor­ship him as such.…

  • Is Jesus God ? Think About It !

    Is Jesus God ? Think About It !

    That the Christianity of today rests solely on the the doctrine of Jesus Christ, that he was God in human form and died on the cross as a suffering deity need no longer be explained. However, there is hardly a single statement where Jesus had explicitly stated that he is God, although Christians do bring…

  • Jesus Through The Eyes Of Islam

    Cen­turies of con­fronta­tion with the Chris­t­ian West fol­lowed by a peri­od of intense mis­sion­ary activ­i­ty, which still con­tin­ues in cer­tain regions of the Islam­ic world in new forms, have cre­at­ed among some con­tem­po­rary Mus­lims an aver­sion not only to Chris­tian­i­ty but, in the case of some of the mod­ernised class­es, even to the Islam­ic con­cep­tion of…

  • A Mus­lim View­point : Con­trast­ing Jesus and Muhammad

    Chris­tians often like to con­trast Jesus and Muham­mad by say­ing that Jesus (P) was a man of love and peace while Muham­mad (P) was a man of war and imple­ment­ed ​“vio­lent” laws. But we must real­ize that Jesus’ career was cut short by his depar­ture. Had he suc­ceed­ed in his first com­ing to com­plete his mis­sion there…

  • The Prophet Jesus In the Noble Qur’an

    What does Allah (God) say about the Prophet ​‘Eesa (Eesho/​Jesus)(P) and his moth­er Maryam (Miriam/​Mary) in His last Rev­e­la­tion to mankind, the Qur’an ?  The fol­low­ing are select­ed Qur’an­ic vers­es deal­ing with ​‘Eesa and Mary, may God’s bless­ings be upon them : “O Peo­ple of the Book ! Com­mit no excess­es in your reli­gion : nor say of Allah aught…

  • Epi­menides Para­dox : Was Paul Inspired”?

    Intro­duc­tion In a study of log­ic, there is some­thing which we call ​“unde­cid­able propo­si­tions” or ​“mean­ing­less sen­tences”, which are state­ments that can­not be deter­mined because there is no con­tex­tu­al false. One of the clas­sic exam­ples cit­ed is the Epiminedes’ para­dox. Saul Krip­ke says : Ever since Pilate asked, ​“What is truth?” (John XVIII, 38), the sub­se­quent search for…