Category: History

  • Chris­tians Killed Apos­tates Too

    Chris­tians Killed Apos­tates Too

    The saga of Abdul Rehman's conversion to Christianity may be over but the aftermath is far from settled. Like a clockwork of hate, the episode has brought upon yet another wave of criticisms against Islam and its record for religious tolerance. But what few would realise is that the West has a history of religious…

  • The True, Peace­ful Face Of Islam

    The True, Peace­ful Face Of Islam

    There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, and Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion. If the evil carnage we witnessed on Sept. 11 were typical of the faith, and Islam truly inspired and justified such violence, its growth and the increasing presence of Muslims in both Europe and the U.S. would be a terrifying…

  • Racism and Slav­ery in the Bible

    In studying various topics about Christianity and Islam over the years I will never forget an article I came across on the topic of racism. It was called: "Children of a White God" and the author was Matthew C. Ogilvie. I remembered that the majority of slavery in the United States had been justified by…

  • Was The Ottomon Caliphate Respon­si­ble for the ​“Armen­ian Genocide”?

    Was The Ottomon Caliphate Respon­si­ble for the Armen­ian Genocide”?

    The Ori­en­tal­ists and Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies have been par­rot­ing for some time the far­ci­cal notion that the Ottomon Caliphate was respon­si­ble for what is now known as the ​“Armen­ian Geno­cide” of the ear­ly 1900’s. We present here some his­to­ry behind the inci­dent that dis­proves the idea that the Ottoman Caliphate had any­thing to do with the…

  • The Real His­to­ry of the Crusades

    The historical distortion perpetrated on historical thinking by Thomas F. Madden is not a new fallacious concept introduced by contemporary Christian revisionists but has been prevalent since the emergence of Islam on world stage. For many centuries, the Christian historians and orientalists directly promulgated lies and fabrications about Islam in order to instil prejudice against…

  • Hans Kung’s The­o­log­i­cal Rubicon

    In Hans Kung's address to this conference he has once again proven himself a pioneer of interreligious dialogue. What he has been doing throughout most of his theological career, he was doing again-exploring new territory, raising new questions in the encounter of Christianity with other religions. Although Kung made his greatest contribution in the inner-Christian,…

  • Islam and Chris­tian­i­ty : Dia­tribe or Dialogue ?

    This is not the place to review the history of Christian-Muslim relations. This history may now be read in the erudite works of Norman Daniel. The reading is sad and agonizing. The conclusion which may be safely drawn from this history is that Christianity's involvement with the Muslim World was so full of misunderstanding, prejudice,…

  • The Case of Jerusalem — The Holy City

    The Case of Jerusalem — The Holy City

    The missionaries have published an article claiming that there is no significance between the holy city of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) with Islam, while at the same time displaying their Zionist tendencies. We republish an article from Israeli Watch which rebuts their fatuous claims and cements the relationship between Islam and Al-Quds.

  • Who Destroyed The Library of Alexandria ?

    Who Destroyed The Library of Alexandria ?

    Ptole­my II, who became the ruler of Egypt after Alexan­der the Great in the third cen­tu­ry BC, was a great patron of learn­ing, and found­ed a library in Alexan­dria, Egypt, which con­tained about 5,00,000 books on dif­fer­ent sub­jects. It is this col­lec­tion which is known in his­to­ry as the great library in Alexandria. It has been alleged…