Category: Islam

  • Hans Kung’s The­o­log­i­cal Rubicon

    In Hans Kung's address to this conference he has once again proven himself a pioneer of interreligious dialogue. What he has been doing throughout most of his theological career, he was doing again-exploring new territory, raising new questions in the encounter of Christianity with other religions. Although Kung made his greatest contribution in the inner-Christian,…

  • Islam and Chris­tian­i­ty : Dia­tribe or Dialogue ?

    This is not the place to review the history of Christian-Muslim relations. This history may now be read in the erudite works of Norman Daniel. The reading is sad and agonizing. The conclusion which may be safely drawn from this history is that Christianity's involvement with the Muslim World was so full of misunderstanding, prejudice,…

  • Hans Küng On ​“Is Muham­mad A Prophet”?

    Hans Küng On Is Muham­mad A Prophet”?

    The following is an excerpt taken from "Christianity and World Religions: Dialogue with Islam", in Leonard Swidler (ed.), Muslims in Dialogue: The Evolution of A Dialogue, vol. 3 (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1992) by the Christian philosopher Hans Kung who conveys a Christian opinion on Prophet Muhammad (P). We do not neccessarily agree with everything…

  • On The Qur’an, Log­ic And The FTMecca

    Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi Recent­ly ​“Freethought Mec­ca”, an anti-Islam­ic web­site of athe­ist per­sua­sion, came forth with an arti­cle that claimed to have found at least one error in the Qur’an. The arti­cle (and its sup­port­ers) took plea­sure in point­ing out the irony of the alleged error’s loca­tion : in Sura 4:82, the very verse Mus­lims have…

  • The Case of Jerusalem — The Holy City

    The Case of Jerusalem — The Holy City

    The missionaries have published an article claiming that there is no significance between the holy city of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) with Islam, while at the same time displaying their Zionist tendencies. We republish an article from Israeli Watch which rebuts their fatuous claims and cements the relationship between Islam and Al-Quds.

  • The Three Dif­fer­ent Jesuses

    (I) JESUS IN JUDAISM * LIFE : - Estab­lish­ing the time of the ​“Jew­ish Jesus”: The ref­er­ence to Jesus in the Tal­mud is by the title : ​“Yeshu Ha-Notzri,” but accord­ing to Jew­ish chronol­o­gy, he lived at the time when Joshua Ben Per­akhyah led the San­hedrincir­ca 150 BCE ; see, for instance, San­hedrin 107b and, there­fore, pre­dat­ed Jesus accord­ing…

  • Lessons In The Sto­ry of Jesus, The Son of Mary And His Most Blessed Mother

    This great mission is that, among the major signs of the final Hour and among the keys of the huge deliverance that will dawn upon this Community of Islam there will come a time on this earth when the call to the pre-morning prayer will be raised in Damascus -- at the white minaret East…

  • Unpar­al­leled Jus­tice in Islam : Divorce and Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion of Marriage

    Divorce (talaaq) in Islam is ​“most hat­ed of per­mis­si­ble things to God”, as stat­ed in a pop­u­larised hadith This invari­ably sums up the per­mis­si­bil­i­ty of divorce and its legal basis in the Noble Qur’an, the Sun­nah of the Prophet Muham­mad (P) and the Mus­lim consensus.  The Qur’an­ic verse on the mat­ter is as follows : “Divorce is…

  • “Allah” Of The Mus­lims?: The Mys­te­ri­ous Hazor Statue

    Allah” Of The Mus­lims?: The Mys­te­ri­ous Hazor Statue

    For years the Christian missionaries have been entertaining the idea that “Allah” of the Qur’an was in fact a pagan Arab “moon god” of pre-Islamic times. This theory was first popularised by a fanatical, mid-Western closet-fascist polemicist by the name of Dr. Robert Morey, of which his deceptive methods have already been exposed in the…