Category: Muhammad

  • Fur­ther Com­ments On ​“Ish­mael Is Not The Father of Muham­mad” Revisited

    Fur­ther Com­ments On Ish­mael Is Not The Father of Muham­mad” Revisited

    This is a short response to the mis­sion­ary’s ​‘Ish­mael Is Not the Father Of Muham­mad’ Revis­it­ed. The basic premis­es of this trav­es­ty of the mis­sion­ary claim has already been addressed in our orig­i­nal response. The read­er is invit­ed to read that response before delv­ing deep­er into the issue. In this lat­est hilar­i­ty of their attempts to ​“sev­er”…

  • Response to Sam Shamoun’s Ish­mael Is Not The Father of Muhammad”

    The mis­sion­ary Sam Shamoun has claimed that there is a dis­crepen­cy in the tra­di­tions of Ish­mael(P) being the ances­tor of the Arabs and hence he(P) can­not be the father of Muham­mad(P), as per the record of Mus­lim tra­di­tions. We aim to respond to this lat­est mis­sion­ary polemic and at the same time we would like to…

  • The Illit­er­ate Prophet

    Some Arab Chris­tians apol­o­gists false­ly claim that Prophet Muhammad(P) was lit­er­ate and even knew many lan­guages. They base their false­hood on the inter­po­la­tion of the word ​“umiyy” and claim that it stands for ​“non-Israelite” or ​“Gen­tile” and that it does not mean ​“illit­er­ate”. One won­ders why would Arab Chris­tians make such a false claim ? The answer…

  • Refu­ta­tion of Arthur Jef­fery : Was Muham­mad A Prophet From His Infancy ?

    Excerpt­ed from Sir­at Al-Nabi and the Ori­en­tal­ists : With Spe­cial Ref­er­ence to the Writ­ings of William Muir, D.S. Mar­go­liouth and W. Mont­gomery Watt , Vol. IA (1st ed., 1997), Chap­ter XIV, pp. 203 – 215. Compiled/​Edited by Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi. Mar­goli­uth has been fol­lowed in his argu­ments and con­clu­sions by many a sub­se­quent writer. Men­tion may be made,…

  • The State of Prophet Muham­mad’s Reli­gious Beliefs Before the Advent of Prophethood

    It is interesting to note that most of his arguments "from a biblical [SIC] perspective" are nothing new. They are arguments rehashed from orientalists in the last century who allege that the Prophet's(P) religious attitude and practices prior to the coming of the Revelations were no different from his people. Most of these claims were…

  • What About The Killing of Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf ?

    What About The Killing of Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf ?

    The Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies and the ene­mies of Islam have alleged that the Prophet Muham­mad(P) was an ​“assas­sin” who would ​“kill his oppo­nents in the mid­dle of the night using deceit and lies”. They cite the events of the killing of Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf as evi­dence for their claims. Our con­tention is that these big­ots are…

  • The Killing of Abu Afak and Asma’ bint Marwan ?

    The vul­gar Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary using the pseu­do­nym ​“Silas” has accused Prophet Muham­mad(P) of being respon­si­ble for the killing of Abu ​‘Afak and the death of ​‘Asma bint Mar­wan. The impli­ca­tions of these charges are that he(P) ​“stiffles” crit­i­cism by mur­der­ing his opponents.  In this paper, insha’al­lah, we are going to refute these false charges against…

  • Respons­es to Chris­t­ian Alle­ga­tions : Exam­in­ing the Per­son­al­i­ty of Muhammad

    Recent­ly a South African Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary by the name of ​“Gary” had been post­ing polem­i­cal snip­pets of untruth on his ​“web­site” about the char­ac­ter of the Prophet Muham­mad (P), with total dis­re­gard for the answers from the Mus­lim side. Most of his mate­r­i­al is depen­dent the mis­sion­ary web­site Answer­ing Islam, of which he whol­ly cuts and…

  • Towards A Re-Eval­u­a­tion of Muham­mad : Prophet and Man

    Towards A Re-Eval­u­a­tion of Muham­mad : Prophet and Man

    We Muslims believe that Muhammad was the greatest and last of the prophets and apostles of God. We also believe that his character reached perfection. On neither of these claims does the majority of mankind agree with us.