Category: Polemical Rebuttals

  • Surah al-Anbiyaa:30 and the Mis­sion­ary Felix Culpa

    Recently the world's most maladroit missionaries have allowed an impromptu piece to be published in response to Shabbir Ally's views on Surah al-Anbiyaa: 30. Personally I do believe that Shabbir's interpretation is wrong, albeit he was not the first Muslim to proffer such a cosmological hypothesis on this particular Holy Ayaah. However I feel that…

  • On Revis­ing Bigotry

    On Revis­ing Bigotry

    The Con­fer­ence unfolds to the bal­anced mind. Its soul is the hon­or of the search, the equa­nim­i­ty of judg­ment and the breath of beau­ty. Beau­ty is an intri­cate state of bal­ance weighed by the scales of the Lord. The essence of beau­ty is bal­ance, like the equipoise of sight, the resti­tu­tions of love and the…

  • An Islam­ic Response to Pope Bene­dict XVI

    An Islam­ic Response to Pope Bene­dict XVI

    Certainly there is no reason why a Muslim who knows his religion would not be outraged at the words cited from a medievel emperor, and it is justifiably so. What we would like to know is, how could Pope Benedict XVI have quoted from a power-crazy emperor whose hostility towards Islam was well-known? As the…

  • A Response to Richard Car­ri­er : Cos­mol­o­gy and the Holy Qur’an

    This paper is intended to respond to atheistic criticism as proposed by Richard Carrier, in a rather large piece that is in my personal opinion and understanding, replete with errors and misunderstandings with regards to basic cosmological concepts, the Islamic viewpoint, as well as history. I also address a few polemics that were put forward…

  • Beyond the Chal­lenge : A Mus­lim Response to Sam Shamoun’s Provocations

    Beyond the Chal­lenge : A Mus­lim Response to Sam Shamoun’s Provocations

    Recently Sam Shamoun, a well-known belligerent and provocative Christian missionary at Answering Islam, issued a challenge to Muslims to prove that Jesus (peace be upon him) did not claim to be God, as per the Qur'anic statement. It is obvious, however, that his demands are as preposterous as it is stupid. The Qur'an certainly quotes…

  • Lin­guis­tic Rebut­tal to Polem­i­cal Dis­tor­tions : The Mean­ing of ​“Ahad”

    Lin­guis­tic Rebut­tal to Polem­i­cal Dis­tor­tions : The Mean­ing of Ahad”

    In this detailed exploration, we debunk missionary misinterpretations of the Arabic term 'Ahad' through a rigorous linguistic analysis. By unearthing the true meaning, we offer a fresh perspective on this often misunderstood term. Embark on your journey to deeper understanding today - read, engage and broaden your knowledge horizon.

  • Dan­ish Car­toons — Islam vs. Free­dom of Expression ?

    Dan­ish Car­toons — Islam vs. Free­dom of Expression ?

    Car­toons are doing what so many could not : Uni­fy­ing Mus­lims across the globe. On the oth­er hand, a grow­ing num­ber of brave free­dom-fight­ers, led by jour­nal­ists, are stand­ing up to ​“reaf­firm the prin­ci­ple of free expres­sion.” And non-Mus­lims are won­der­ing why this uni­fied out­rage is a no-show when it comes to seem­ing­ly more impor­tant issues such as behead­ings,…

  • Was The Ottomon Caliphate Respon­si­ble for the ​“Armen­ian Genocide”?

    Was The Ottomon Caliphate Respon­si­ble for the Armen­ian Genocide”?

    The Ori­en­tal­ists and Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies have been par­rot­ing for some time the far­ci­cal notion that the Ottomon Caliphate was respon­si­ble for what is now known as the ​“Armen­ian Geno­cide” of the ear­ly 1900’s. We present here some his­to­ry behind the inci­dent that dis­proves the idea that the Ottoman Caliphate had any­thing to do with the…

  • The Real His­to­ry of the Crusades

    The historical distortion perpetrated on historical thinking by Thomas F. Madden is not a new fallacious concept introduced by contemporary Christian revisionists but has been prevalent since the emergence of Islam on world stage. For many centuries, the Christian historians and orientalists directly promulgated lies and fabrications about Islam in order to instil prejudice against…