Search results for: "Trinity"

  • A Rea­son­ing To Refute the Log­ic of Trinity

    A Rea­son­ing To Refute the Log­ic of Trinity

    In this paper I attempt to present an argument disputing and refuting the Christian Belief in the Trinity of God. We believe this ill concept was inserted into Christian belief by the devil at a time of absence of mind and a state of powerlessness on the part of true unitarians and sincere believers in…

  • The His­tor­i­cal Devel­op­ment Of The Trin­i­ty : An Analysis

    The His­tor­i­cal Devel­op­ment Of The Trin­i­ty : An Analysis

    Intro­duc­tion T. S. Elliot was quot­ed to have once said that ​“Chris­tian­i­ty is always adapt­ing itself into some­thing which can be believed.“John Hick, ed., The Myth of God Incar­nate, Pref­ace And true to this state­ment, Chris­tian­i­ty has digressed from the con­cept of the One­ness of God as stressed in the ​“She­ma”, or the Jew­ish creed…

  • Does the Qur’an Say About Mary In The Trinity ?

    The Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies have engaged in bit­ter polemics since the advent of Islam. One of their com­mon alle­ga­tions is that they claim that in Sura’ Al-Maiah (5):119, the Qur’an made a ​“mis­take” in claim­ing that the Trin­i­ty con­sists of God, Jesus and Mary. The said verse is as follows : “And behold ! God will say : ​‘O…

  • Michael Serve­tus : On The Errors of the Trinity

    Michael Serve­tus : On The Errors of the Trinity

    Michael Servetus was born in Villaneueva in Spain in 1511. He was the son of the local judge. He lived at a time when there was unrest in the established Church, and in a period when everyone was questioning the nature of Christianity. As he grew older and more informed, the young Servetus was appalled…

  • Reassess­ing The Bina­ry : Chris­t­ian Depic­tions of Jesus and Muhammad

    Reassess­ing The Bina­ry : Chris­t­ian Depic­tions of Jesus and Muhammad

    In the face of Christian polemics, a critical exploration into Islamic teachings offers a pathway to uncovering the true essence of Prophet Muhammad’s message. This approach reveals the depth, compassion, and wisdom of Islam, contrasting sharply with misconceptions. Embark on a journey to challenge narratives, seek authenticity, and illuminate the profound principles of Islam.

  • Some Crit­i­cal Thoughts On His Death : Nabeel Qureshi (1983 – 2017)

    Some Crit­i­cal Thoughts On His Death : Nabeel Qureshi (1983 – 2017)

    Nabeel Qureshi's death at 34 due to stomach cancer elicited mixed reactions online, particularly among Muslims and Christians engaged in apologetics. Known for branding himself as an "ex-Muslim," Qureshi authored three polemical books critiquing Islam, developed a profit-driven video course for evangelical audiences, and collaborated with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) on seminars aimed at…

  • On The Reli­a­bil­i­ty Of Luke As A Historian

    On The Reli­a­bil­i­ty Of Luke As A Historian

    One of the most popular argument often proposed by missionaries as “evidence” that Luke was “inspired”, or at least someone who we can blindly trust without second thoughts, is as follows: he was an excellent historian who conducted a careful investigation during the course of composing his books.

  • Dif­fer­ences Between The Mus­lim And Chris­t­ian Con­cepts Of Divine Love

    Dif­fer­ences Between The Mus­lim And Chris­t­ian Con­cepts Of Divine Love

    Christians might argue that nevertheless we need lofty ideals to strive for, even if they are virtually unattainable. Muslims might reply that it is detrimental for public morality if unattainable rules are promoted which, of course, are constantly violated by everybody in sight, because that (Christian) approach creates a climate of, and promotes, hypocrisy at…

  • Shaykh Khalid Yasin : Under­stand­ing Chris­tian­i­ty In Five Minutes

    Shaykh Khalid Yasin : Under­stand­ing Chris­tian­i­ty In Five Minutes

    Explore a thought-provoking discussion by Shaykh Khalid Yasin as he questions the legitimacy and historical accuracy of the New Testament writers. Dive into this riveting dialogue and form your own perspectives. Delve deeper into the world of Biblical criticism with Khalid Yasin.