Search results for: "Trinity"

  • On The Integri­ty of the Bible

    Before 1881, all translations of the New Testament (including, most importantly, the 1611 King James Version (KJV), also known as the Authorised Version (AV)), were based on copies of Greek manuscripts known as the Textus Receptus, which is Latin for Received Text. (Abbreviated to TR). But in the 19th and 20th centuries, older Greek manuscripts…

  • The Con­tro­ver­sy of I John 5:7 (Johan­nine Comma)

    The strongest ​“evi­dence” for the Trin­i­ty in the Bible is the verse 1 John 5:7 or oth­er­wise known as the ​‘Johan­nine Com­ma’. Unfor­tu­nate­ly for the Trini­tar­i­ans, it has long been known by schol­ars that it is not part of the orig­i­nal text. It was nev­er in the Greek man­u­scripts, but sur­faced in the Latin trans­la­tion in…

  • How We Got the New Tes­ta­ment : His­toric­i­ty of Its Canonization

    Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi Three hun­dred years after the time of Jesus(P), there were many dif­fer­ent ver­sions of the Gospel sto­ry and the teach­ings of Jesus(P).[1] Then, as now, no one was quite cer­tain who wrote them, or when or where they were writ­ten. The teach­ings of the Chris­t­ian Church varies from one area to…

  • Con­text and Rel­e­vance : Sūra At-Taw­bah Reexamined

    This article delves into Sura At-Tawbah, one of the Qur'an's pivotal chapters, reexamining its historical context, interpretations, and ongoing relevance. We explore how this Sura addresses issues of justice, peace, and the complexities of treaty obligations, offering insights into its teachings and their implications for contemporary understanding.

  • When the Evan­ge­list Becomes a Shaikh, the Angels Become Wor­ship­pers of Adam

    When the Evangelist becomes a Shaikh, the angels become polytheists, worshipping Adam instead of Allah. When the Evangelist becomes a Shaikh, the Nasikh becomes Mansukh, the Mutlaq becomes Muqayyad and the `Aamm becomes Makhsus, and vice-versa. Not that it is not hilarious to read for Evangelists-turned-Shaikhs. It is at the discovery of the level of…

  • Wor­ship­ping the Same or a Dif­fer­ent God ?

    Worshiping the Same or a Different God? Muhammad is commanded to speak to the disbelievers: ... nor do you worship what I worship [109:3]. However, other verses in the Qur'an state clearly that those disbelieving his message are in fact worshiping the same God, Allah.

  • Com­par­i­son of the Texts in the Syn­op­tic Gospels Regard­ing Jesus

    In this article, I have compared the accounts of one event as described in the first three Synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke. The reader should realize after comparison that the gospels were originally transmitted through oral tradition. In the process of writing, the writers of the gospels had changed the tradition according to their…

  • Do Chris­tians make Jesus idolatrous ?

    Abdur Rafay Ahmad & Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi  Before pro­ceed­ing, please let us inform you clear­ly that Mus­lims love Prophet Jesus(P) and have noth­ing against him. Accord­ing to the Holy Qur’?n, one must believe in every prophet includ­ing Jesus(P) to become a Mus­lim. And accord­ing to the Qur’?n, if a Mus­lims say some­thing against the Prophet Jesus(P), he…

  • 10 Points Against the Divin­i­ty of Jesus

    10 Points Against the Divin­i­ty of Jesus

    As a Mus­lim, I hon­our and respect the Mes­si­ah Jesus(P) as an elect Prophet of God. The Islam­ic view of Jesus lies between two extremes. The Jews, who reject Jesus(P) as a Prophet of God, calls him an impos­tor. The Chris­tians, on the oth­er hand, con­sid­ers him to be the God in flesh and wor­ship him as such.…