Search results for: "Trinity"

  • Is Jesus God ? Think About It !

    Is Jesus God ? Think About It !

    That the Christianity of today rests solely on the the doctrine of Jesus Christ, that he was God in human form and died on the cross as a suffering deity need no longer be explained. However, there is hardly a single statement where Jesus had explicitly stated that he is God, although Christians do bring…

  • Jesus Through The Eyes Of Islam

    Cen­turies of con­fronta­tion with the Chris­t­ian West fol­lowed by a peri­od of intense mis­sion­ary activ­i­ty, which still con­tin­ues in cer­tain regions of the Islam­ic world in new forms, have cre­at­ed among some con­tem­po­rary Mus­lims an aver­sion not only to Chris­tian­i­ty but, in the case of some of the mod­ernised class­es, even to the Islam­ic con­cep­tion of…

  • The Prophet Jesus In the Noble Qur’an

    What does Allah (God) say about the Prophet ​‘Eesa (Eesho/​Jesus)(P) and his moth­er Maryam (Miriam/​Mary) in His last Rev­e­la­tion to mankind, the Qur’an ?  The fol­low­ing are select­ed Qur’an­ic vers­es deal­ing with ​‘Eesa and Mary, may God’s bless­ings be upon them : “O Peo­ple of the Book ! Com­mit no excess­es in your reli­gion : nor say of Allah aught…

  • Some Thoughts on Mus­lims Con­vert­ing to Chris­tian­i­ty and Vice-Versa

    Some Thoughts on Mus­lims Con­vert­ing to Chris­tian­i­ty and Vice-Versa

    This article was written as part of my answer to a Christian calling himself "AIbrahim", who raised the issue of Muslim converts to Christianity as "proof" for the truth of Christianity as well as denying that Christian reverts to Islam were even "practising Christians". Below is the reproduction of that dialogue, with some modifications to…

  • The Word ​“Elo­him” in the Hebrew Qur’an

    The Word Elo­him” in the Hebrew Qur’an

    Often the mis­sion­ar­ies try to argue that the alleged ” divine name” for God is Yah­weh, and that since the word (Allah) is not ety­mo­log­i­cal­ly relat­ed to this name, it there­fore fol­lows that Mus­lims wor­ship a dif­fer­ent deity. How­ev­er, what they fail to recog­nise is that it is ety­mo­log­i­cal­ly accept­ed that the root word of (Elo­him)…

  • Pre-Islam­ic Ara­bia And Its Socio-Reli­gious Condition

    An exposition of the background of pre-Islamic Arabia and its people, as well as the prevailing socio-religious condition, aptly termed Jahiliyyah, prevalent at the time.

  • The Ori­en­tal­ists and the Han­i­fs : The Jef­fery-Bell Theory

    Excerpt­ed from Sir­at Al-Nabi and the Ori­en­tal­ists : With Spe­cial Ref­er­ence to the Writ­ings of William Muir, D.S. Mar­go­liouth and W. Mont­gomery Watt , Vol. IA (1st ed., 1997), Chap­ter XIV, pp. 335 – 354. Com­piled by Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi I. SUMMARY OF THE THEORY  One con­stant endeav­our of the ori­en­tal­ists has been to relate the rise…

  • One Hun­dred Chris­t­ian Proofs Of Islam­ic Falsehood

    One Hun­dred Chris­t­ian Proofs Of Islam­ic Falsehood

    Dive into this frank and entertaining critique of common arguments used to challenge Islam's validity. Discover how these arguments, often simplified and detached from their religious contexts, can border on the absurd. Forget political correctness; join us for a candid, enlightening exploration of religious diversity. Read on to expand your understanding!

  • The Chris­t­ian Mis­sion­ar­ies & Their Lies About Muhammad

    The Chris­t­ian Mis­sion­ar­ies & Their Lies About Muhammad

    The his­tor­i­cal nar­ra­tive of Islam, since its incep­tion in the 7th cen­tu­ry, has been sig­nif­i­cant­ly shaped by polem­i­cal engage­ments, par­tic­u­lar­ly those orig­i­nat­ing from Chris­t­ian cri­tiques of Prophet Muham­mad(P). The rapid expan­sion of Islam under the Prophet’s lead­er­ship not only marked a piv­otal shift in reli­gious and geopo­lit­i­cal land­scapes but also ignit­ed a series of polem­i­cal attacks from…