Search results for: "banu"

  • The Announce­ment of the Con­sti­tu­tion of Madinah

    Akram Diya al Umari Excerpt­ed from Mad­i­nan Soci­ety At the Time of the Prophet, Inter­na­tion­al Islam­ic Pub­lish­ing House & IIIT, 1991 The treaty with the Jews The Prophet (P) orga­nized the rela­tion­ships between the var­i­ous inhab­i­tants of Mad­i­nah, and record­ed this in a doc­u­ment which is report­ed in the his­tor­i­cal sources. The aim of this doc­u­ment was to explain…

  • The Ka’a­ba And The Abra­ham­ic Tradition

    The Ka’a­ba And The Abra­ham­ic Tradition

    The story of Prophet Ibrahim's migration from Babylonia to Syria-Palestine (Kan'an), then to Egypt, then his return to Palestine and subsequently his coming with his wife Hajar and son Isma'il to Makka is well-known. These epoch-making travels took place roughly at the beginning of the second millennium B.C. Ibrahim had at first called his own…

  • The Sto­ry of The Goddesses

    The Sto­ry of The Goddesses

    The emigrants resided in Abyssinia three months during which ‘Umar ibn al Khattab converted to Islam. In their exile, they heard that upon ‘Umar’s conversion the Quraysh had stopped their persecution of Muhammad and his followers. According to one report a number of them had returned to Makkah, according to another, all. On reaching Makkah…

  • Mary, the Sis­ter of Aaron ?

    Mary, the Sis­ter of Aaron ?

    Is it wisdom or folly? Has the Qur'an committed an anachronism or does it reflect comprehensive understanding?

  • The Leg­is­la­tion & The Begin­ning of Jihad

    Akram Diya al 'Umari informs us about the background of the Muslim condition in Madinah that led to the legislation of jihad and its permission.

  • Jihad” by Sir Thomas W. Arnold

    Sir Thomas W. Arnold defends, with extraordinary talent, the thesis that the basic meaning of "jih?d", is: "the using or exerting one's utmost power, effort, endeavor or ability, in contending with an object of disapprobation", and that primarily the word bears no reference to war or fighting, much less to fighting against unbelievers or forcible…

  • Pre-Islam­ic Ara­bia And Its Socio-Reli­gious Condition

    An exposition of the background of pre-Islamic Arabia and its people, as well as the prevailing socio-religious condition, aptly termed Jahiliyyah, prevalent at the time.

  • Was Islam Spread By The Sword ? A Brief Analy­sis and Respons­es to Critics

    Was Islam Spread By The Sword ? A Brief Analy­sis and Respons­es to Critics

    Pro­fes­sor Thomas W. Arnold was a poly­glot and a schol­ar of mas­sive eru­di­tion. His mag­num opusT.W. Arnold, The Spread of Islam in the World offers an unbi­ased and author­i­ta­tive his­to­ry of the expan­sion of Islam. It expos­es the delib­er­ate ham­per­ings of some his­to­ri­ans and goes direct­ly to the records ear­ly sources to exam­ine numer­ous claims. It also…

  • Qadi Iyad : The Sto­ry of Zayd and Zaynab

    Trans­lat­ed by Aisha Bew­ley from Muham­mad, Mes­sen­ger of Allah, Ash-Shi­fa of Qadi ​‘Iyad, Mad­i­nah Press, Grana­da (1991), pp. 352 – 354 Edi­tor’s Note In address­ing the polemics of Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies and Ori­en­tal­ists regard­ing the mar­riage of Zaynab (R), Qadi Iyad’s thor­ough analy­sis of the Islam­ic tra­di­tion pro­vides a pow­er­ful counter-nar­ra­tive. He metic­u­lous­ly dis­sects the con­text and the scrip­tur­al bases…