Search results for: "jihad"

  • The Con­quest of Khay­bar and of the Remain­ing Jew­ish Strong­holds in al-Hijaz

    Discover the pivotal conquest of Khaybar, a turning point in early Islamic history, through the detailed accounts of Akram Diya al Umari. Keen to learn more about these defining moments and their profound impact? Dive into more of Umari's profound historical narratives today.

  • Chris­t­ian Mis­sion­ar­ies Sweep­ing the Islam­ic World

    Chris­t­ian Mis­sion­ar­ies Sweep­ing the Islam­ic World

    From a tape lec­ture of the same title, Les­son 66. Edit­ed by Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi Let us first dis­cuss some of the new ways that Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies are using in the Islam­ic world, these new meth­ods have been applied because the old meth­ods did not prove as effec­tive as the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies thought they were.…

  • When the Evan­ge­list Becomes a Shaikh, the Angels Become Wor­ship­pers of Adam

    When the Evangelist becomes a Shaikh, the angels become polytheists, worshipping Adam instead of Allah. When the Evangelist becomes a Shaikh, the Nasikh becomes Mansukh, the Mutlaq becomes Muqayyad and the `Aamm becomes Makhsus, and vice-versa. Not that it is not hilarious to read for Evangelists-turned-Shaikhs. It is at the discovery of the level of…

  • The Con­cept of Tawhid in Islam

    The Con­cept of Tawhid in Islam

    Con­tent Overview1 Mean­ing of Tawhid2 The Divi­sions of Tawhid2.1 Tawhid Ar-Rububiyah2.2 Tawhid al-Asma wal Sifaat2.3 Tawhid al-Ibadah2.4 Tawhid al-Hakamiyah3 Conclusions Mean­ing of Tawhid The word Tawhid comes from the verb wah­had which lit­er­al­ly means to unite. In Islam­ic ter­mi­nol­o­gy, it means to real­ize and main­tain the uni­ty of Allah in one’s actions (inward­ly and out­ward­ly).…

  • For Mus­lims

    For Mus­lims

    Bis­mi­ka Allahu­ma aims to be the pre­mier source of infor­ma­tion by Mus­lims to counter anti-Islam­ic pro­pa­gan­da by the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies and their allies over the Internet.  We are also keen on pre­sent­ing Islam in its true pic­ture as well as fos­ter­ing coöper­a­tion and knowl­edge with oth­er Islam­ic web­sites which has sim­i­lar objec­tives to ours.  If you…

  • One Hun­dred Chris­t­ian Proofs Of Islam­ic Falsehood

    One Hun­dred Chris­t­ian Proofs Of Islam­ic Falsehood

    Dive into this frank and entertaining critique of common arguments used to challenge Islam's validity. Discover how these arguments, often simplified and detached from their religious contexts, can border on the absurd. Forget political correctness; join us for a candid, enlightening exploration of religious diversity. Read on to expand your understanding!

  • The Psy­cho­log­i­cal Impact of The Fatrah Experience

    In their hasty attempt to obfuscate and attack anything that invalidates their claims regarding the Prophet's (P) experiences during the period known as the Fatrah, the Christian missionary Sam Shamoun had released a verbal barrage of rhetorical nonsense in his (ridiculously-)titled "A Christian Perspective[!] of the Fatrah of Muhammad". Needless to mention, it is neither…

  • Respons­es to Chris­t­ian Alle­ga­tions : Exam­in­ing the Per­son­al­i­ty of Muhammad

    Recent­ly a South African Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary by the name of ​“Gary” had been post­ing polem­i­cal snip­pets of untruth on his ​“web­site” about the char­ac­ter of the Prophet Muham­mad (P), with total dis­re­gard for the answers from the Mus­lim side. Most of his mate­r­i­al is depen­dent the mis­sion­ary web­site Answer­ing Islam, of which he whol­ly cuts and…

  • Com­mon Mis­con­cep­tions About Mus­lims and Islam

    Muslims do not believe in Muhammad(P) as God or venerate and worship him as God. We believe that he is a Messenger of God, just like Moses(P) and Jesus(P), and that he brought God's Words to us. He neither conceived his own conception of God nor did he told Muslims to establish Islam with force.…