Tag: Alexandria

  • What I Did Not Say And The Mis­sion­ary Myopia

    What I Did Not Say And The Mis­sion­ary Myopia

    There are those who say that lying and deceiving is at the soul of all crime and that Christianity epitomizes these traits more than any other faith. As proof of their assertion they often quote Paul of Tarsus, arguably the true founder of Christianity, who is recorded to have said, "But if through my falsehood…

  • The Three Dif­fer­ent Jesuses

    (I) JESUS IN JUDAISM * LIFE : - Estab­lish­ing the time of the ​“Jew­ish Jesus”: The ref­er­ence to Jesus in the Tal­mud is by the title : ​“Yeshu Ha-Notzri,” but accord­ing to Jew­ish chronol­o­gy, he lived at the time when Joshua Ben Per­akhyah led the San­hedrincir­ca 150 BCE ; see, for instance, San­hedrin 107b and, there­fore, pre­dat­ed Jesus accord­ing…