Tag: Ibn Ishaq

  • The Expul­sion of Banu Qaynuqa

    Excerpt­ed from Mad­i­nan Soci­ety At the Time of the Prophet, Inter­na­tion­al Islam­ic Pub­lish­ing House & IIIT, 1991 The date of the campaign Regard­ing the time of its occur­rence, the his­to­ri­ans agree that this action took place after Badr. Al Zuhri defined its date as being in the month of Shaww­al in the sec­ond year of the…

  • The False Apos­tle : Paul Of Tar­sus In Islam

    The False Apos­tle : Paul Of Tar­sus In Islam

    The pur­pose of this brief arti­cle is to show that Paul, the self-acclaimed ​“apos­tle” whom the Chris­tians fol­low, has no place in Islam at all. Mus­lims believe that between the time peri­ods of the Prophet Jesus(P) and the Prophet Muham­mad(P), no Mes­sen­ger of God had come between them, whether to the Gen­tiles or the Jews.…