Tag: Islamic theology

  • Lin­guis­tic Rebut­tal to Polem­i­cal Dis­tor­tions : The Mean­ing of ​“Ahad”

    Lin­guis­tic Rebut­tal to Polem­i­cal Dis­tor­tions : The Mean­ing of Ahad”

    In this detailed exploration, we debunk missionary misinterpretations of the Arabic term 'Ahad' through a rigorous linguistic analysis. By unearthing the true meaning, we offer a fresh perspective on this often misunderstood term. Embark on your journey to deeper understanding today - read, engage and broaden your knowledge horizon.

  • The Night Jour­ney : The Mir­a­cle of Isra’ and Mi’raj

    The Night Jour­ney : The Mir­a­cle of Isra’ and Mi’raj

    The verse of Isra' in the Qur'an is clear not liable to hesitation or reluctance in saying that Allah had caused His servant to travel by night from Al-Masjid Al-Haram to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa like you say; I traveled by night from such and such place to such and such place. So, there is no room…

  • Respond­ing To Banal Mis­sion­ary Log­ic”: Can There Be A Son With­out A Moth­er Or Father ?

    Unfortunately for the missionary, an understanding can be reached if a little more thought can be put into their argument. The missionary has taken the understanding of these verses out of its intended context and is confusing Mary's nature (since she is only human, and hence procreates) as a creation of the Almighty, with God…

  • Do Mus­lims Wor­ship The Black Stone of the Kaaba ?

    Do Mus­lims Wor­ship The Black Stone of the Kaaba ?

    I believe that it is time that a response to this rather annoying polemic about the nature of the Black Stone (al-Hajar al-Aswad) and its significance in Islam by those who have an axe to grind about Islam (or otherwise known tenderly as the "Islamophobics") is finally needed. We will look at the common allegations…

  • Con­text and Rel­e­vance : Sūra At-Taw­bah Reexamined

    This article delves into Sura At-Tawbah, one of the Qur'an's pivotal chapters, reexamining its historical context, interpretations, and ongoing relevance. We explore how this Sura addresses issues of justice, peace, and the complexities of treaty obligations, offering insights into its teachings and their implications for contemporary understanding.

  • The Con­cept of Tawhid in Islam

    The Con­cept of Tawhid in Islam

    Con­tent Overview1 Mean­ing of Tawhid2 The Divi­sions of Tawhid2.1 Tawhid Ar-Rububiyah2.2 Tawhid al-Asma wal Sifaat2.3 Tawhid al-Ibadah2.4 Tawhid al-Hakamiyah3 Conclusions Mean­ing of Tawhid The word Tawhid comes from the verb wah­had which lit­er­al­ly means to unite. In Islam­ic ter­mi­nol­o­gy, it means to real­ize and main­tain the uni­ty of Allah in one’s actions (inward­ly and out­ward­ly).…

  • Sec­tar­i­an­ism In Islam

    1. It is impor­tant to real­ize that, unfor­tu­nate as it may be, it is a divi­sion that has already been made and accept­ed by the Mus­lims and by the adher­ents of these sec­tions. It would, under the cir­cum­stances, be unre­al­is­tic to refute the exis­tence of these sects. These sec­tions do exist, even if their exis­tence is…