Tag: Religious studies

  • Was Sarah The Sis­ter Of Abraham ?

    Was Sarah The Sis­ter Of Abraham ?

    Was Sarah really Abraham's sister? Ibn Hazm questions the status of Sarah as being Abraham's sister, as accepting that viz., from the Biblical perspective would result in various disagreements with other passages in the Old Testament concerning moral and theological issues. This is in reference to the stories of Sarah's seizure by Pharaoh and Abime'elech…

  • Answer­ing Islam : Preach­ing What They Do Not Practise ?

    In one of their pages, Answering Islam had made the following claim with the clear intention of "poisoning the well" where Muslim sites are concerned. The rest of the page goes on to either debase or discredit Muslim websites for their dependency on "atheist" material and preaching about the lack of "conscience" on the part…

  • The False Apos­tle : Paul Of Tar­sus In Islam

    The False Apos­tle : Paul Of Tar­sus In Islam

    The pur­pose of this brief arti­cle is to show that Paul, the self-acclaimed ​“apos­tle” whom the Chris­tians fol­low, has no place in Islam at all. Mus­lims believe that between the time peri­ods of the Prophet Jesus(P) and the Prophet Muham­mad(P), no Mes­sen­ger of God had come between them, whether to the Gen­tiles or the Jews.…

  • Women In Islam : Islam­ic Law On Inheritance

    Women In Islam : Islam­ic Law On Inheritance

    Inheritance deals closely with the distribution of wealth, i.e. dealing with the transfer of the property of the deceased to the descendants. In most of the early societies in ancient civilisation, the right to inherit the deceased properties is often given to the eldest son and male relatives. Female relatives are given lesser right to…

  • The Life and Times of Muham­mad (P)

    The Life and Times of Muham­mad (P)

    Edward Gib­bon describes the Arabs before Islam in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire as “…the human brute with­out sense is poor­ly dis­tin­guished from the rest of the ani­mal”. From this abject bar­barism, an unlet­tered per­son ele­vat­ed them, as in the words of Thomas Carlyle : “…into Torch-bear­ers of Light And Learn­ing. To the…