Tag: Theology

  • Chris­tian­i­ty : A Vision of the Future Without.…

    Chris­tian­i­ty : A Vision of the Future Without.…

    The Christian missionaries and their allies have been calling for the destruction of Islam openly ever since the advent of the Internet. A cursory glance at these fanatical and bigoted websites will at once give the dilligent reader an idea of their genocidal tendencies against the Muslim Ummah, unfairly equating Islam with terrorism, and even…

  • Sto­ry of Cre­ation in the Qur’an and Old Testament

    Sto­ry of Cre­ation in the Qur’an and Old Testament

    The sto­ry of Cre­ation is locat­ed in the first Book of the Old Tes­ta­ment, i.e. in the ear­ly chap­ters of Gen­e­sis. The Old Tes­ta­ment nar­ra­tive is almost like a sto­ry­book ; hence it starts off with the sto­ry of Cre­ation as the begin­ning of the sto­ry of mankind. The Qur’an gives a dif­fer­ent pre­sen­ta­tion to its idea and…

  • Mis­con­cep­tion Addressed : What is the Sig­nif­i­cance of the Cres­cent Moon in Islam ?

    Mis­con­cep­tion Addressed : What is the Sig­nif­i­cance of the Cres­cent Moon in Islam ?

    Apart from the claim that "Allah" is the name of the moon god, the Christian missionaries also tend assert this claim by questioning why do Muslims use the crescent symbol as a symbol for their religion, or why is the moon being used in Islam to mark a new month. They engage into the logical…

  • The False Apos­tle : Paul Of Tar­sus In Islam

    The False Apos­tle : Paul Of Tar­sus In Islam

    The pur­pose of this brief arti­cle is to show that Paul, the self-acclaimed ​“apos­tle” whom the Chris­tians fol­low, has no place in Islam at all. Mus­lims believe that between the time peri­ods of the Prophet Jesus(P) and the Prophet Muham­mad(P), no Mes­sen­ger of God had come between them, whether to the Gen­tiles or the Jews.…