Islam on Freedom of Religion 1

Islam on Free­dom of Religion

Apos­ta­sy, appar­ent­ly a human rights-relat­ed issue, is high­ly sen­si­tive to the mul­ti-racial and mul­ti-reli­gious char­ac­ter of Malaysia. It tends to be prob­lem­at­ic, unten­able to some, espe­cial­ly when it deals with con­ver­sion into and out of Islam. It is true, the whole ques­tion involves cer­tain legal and social impli­ca­tions. At times, its reper­cus­sions appear to rat­tle the social sol­i­dar­i­ty and reli­gious har­mo­ny of our peace­ful nation. All these threat­en­ing con­se­quences are actu­al­ly caused by igno­rance. This writ­ing is not to incite fur­ther dis­sen­sion. Nei­ther is it intend­ed to sound apolo­getic. On the con­trary it calls for all par­ties direct­ly or indi­rect­ly affect­ed by the sub­ject mat­ter, Mus­lims and non-Mus­lims alike, to view it with an open heart guid­ed by wisdom.

Schol­ars have admit­ted that Islam is the most mis­un­der­stood reli­gion of all world reli­gions. Mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tions and mis­per­cep­tions about it are caus­ing many to hur­ried­ly devel­op an unjus­ti­fied Islam­o­pho­bia. This syn­drome is actu­al­ly a fear of the unknown” as these peo­ple do not real­ly under­stand what Islam is all about. Many sim­ply accept the many glob­al mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tions inces­sant­ly put to them via the media.

Seen through the lens of dis­course on human rights, apos­ta­sy in Islam has been noto­ri­ous­ly brought into con­flict with the doc­trine of human rights in gen­er­al, and with the notion of free­dom of reli­gion in par­tic­u­lar. Among the ques­tions raised is, if Islam can eas­i­ly be embraced, by the same token, why does it not allow Mus­lims to leave Islam ?

It is unques­tion­able that Islam indeed rec­og­nizes human rights, in fact from its very incep­tion, long before these ideas were devel­oped and doc­u­ment­ed in its mod­ern sec­u­lar form by the West like the Unit­ed Nations Uni­ver­sal Dec­la­ra­tion of Human Rights, 1948. Islam, as sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly reflect­ed by the Cairo Uni­ver­sal Islam­ic Dec­la­ra­tion of Human Rights, 1981, advo­cates human rights via shari­ah. These objec­tives include the estab­lish­ment of jus­tice, indi­vid­ual edu­ca­tion and preser­va­tion of human wel­fare or inter­ests by pro­tect­ing and pre­serv­ing the free­dom of thought, wor­ship, rights to prop­er­ty and preser­va­tion of the prog­e­ny. These con­sti­tute the invi­o­lable prin­ci­ples of human rights”.

What many fail to under­stand is that Islam is prob­a­bly the only reli­gion that hon­ors its fol­low­ers to the utmost. Islam regards its adher­ents, both orig­i­nal­ly born Mus­lim as well as con­verts, as invalu­able assets. Once they come to the fold of Islam, they stand equal. There­fore, the respon­si­bil­i­ties, duties and rights of all Mus­lims are basi­cal­ly the same. Indi­vid­u­al­ly, they are equal­ly enti­tled to achieve suc­cess in this world as well as sal­va­tion in the here­after, guid­ed by and with­in the para­me­ters set up by shariah.

Mus­lims firm­ly believe that they are in the ter­ri­to­ry of truth, the right path. They are bathed in the bright­est light. For Mus­lims, truth is light, false­hood is dark­ness. There­fore, it is a grave injus­tice to them if they were to devi­ate from that truth. Fur­ther­more, the fact that Islam pro­hibits apos­ta­sy reflects the integri­ty and cred­i­bil­i­ty of the reli­gion. If Islam were to grant per­mis­sion for Mus­lims to change reli­gion at will, it would imply it has no dig­ni­ty, no self-esteem. And peo­ple may then ques­tion its com­plete­ness, truth­ful­ness and perfection.

Echo­ing the obser­va­tions of Syed Muham­mad Naquib al-Attas, rights” or huquq in Islam refers to some­thing that is right, true, cor­rect and prop­er. Free­dom” or ikhti­yar means a choice for the good or bet­ter. So it is nei­ther one’s right nor is it free­dom to choose some­thing evil, false, wrong, incor­rect or imperfect.

Reli­gious­ly, moral­ly and legal­ly, man has no right to do wrong. Nev­er­the­less, there are fee­ble, con­fused Mus­lims around. They may be the result of improp­er or inad­e­quate edu­ca­tion or the lack of expo­sure to the more com­pre­hen­sive teach­ings of Islam. And due to world­ly temp­ta­tions, this weak­ness caus­es their reli­gious foun­da­tions to become shaky. Appar­ent­ly, their com­mon fea­ture is a lack of knowl­edge and under­stand­ing of Islam. So if one insists on adopt­ing the afore­men­tioned wrong con­cep­tion of rights” and free­dom”, one is actu­al­ly expos­ing one’s shame­ful ignorance !

For con­verts, before they become Mus­lims, no mat­ter for what rea­son, it is only rea­son­able that they must have a cer­tain degree of basic knowl­edge about Islam. They must take efforts to study the fun­da­men­tals of the reli­gion first. This is actu­al­ly their respon­si­bil­i­ty and duty. Take note that rights do not come out of a vac­u­um ; they are accom­pa­nied by cer­tain respon­si­bil­i­ties and duties. For exam­ple, before one can exer­cise one’s free­dom to buy a car of his choice, one must first obtain a dri­ving licence. With­out that doc­u­ment, one will only endan­ger one­self as well as oth­ers. One can­not scream to be giv­en the right or free­dom to buy if the require­ment of respon­si­bil­i­ty is not ful­filled beforehand.

Mus­lims must under­stand that once they come into the fold of Islam, there is no ques­tion of leav­ing the faith or revert­ing to their ear­li­er beliefs even if the very rea­son for one to come to Islam in the first place ceas­es to exist. One may be a bad or a non-prac­tis­ing Mus­lim, but there is hard­ly any room avail­able for one to denounce that religion.

One can­not argue that Islam does not rec­og­nize the idea of free­dom of wor­ship. First and fore­most, the very doc­trine of Islam, as reflect­ed in the Quran, teach­es that there is no com­pul­sion. Free­dom of wor­ship is to be under­stood not only in the sense of mak­ing a choice for the bet­ter, but also in the sense of free­dom to prac­tise a par­tic­u­lar reli­gion. Once one accepts Islam or decides to become a Mus­lim, one is sub­ject­ed to all the rules pre­scribed by the religion.

If Islam for­bids apos­ta­sy, not only the Mus­lims must observe it, but the fol­low­ers of oth­er reli­gions that do not have such pro­vi­sions must appre­ci­ate and respect this posi­tion as well. This is actu­al­ly the free­dom of wor­ship that must be per­ceived by all.Endmark

The author is a Senior Fel­low for the Cen­tre for Syari­ah, Law and Polit­i­cal Sci­ence, Insti­tute of Islam­ic Under­stand­ing Malaysia (IKIM)
Cite this arti­cle as : Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad, Islam on Free­dom of Reli­gion,” in Bis­mi­ka Allahu­ma, July 2, 2006, last accessed April 29, 2024, https://​bis​mikaal​lahu​ma​.org/​h​i​s​t​o​r​y​/​i​s​l​a​m​-​o​n​-​f​r​e​e​d​o​m​-​o​f​-​r​e​l​i​g​i​on/



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28 responses to “Islam on Free­dom of Religion”

  1. godisjudge Avatar

    Some of the views here and espe­cial­ly the death sen­tence for peo­ple leav­ing islam is exact­ly why non-believ­ers sus­pect the faith. Such extreme opin­ions by its fol­low­ers shows how much man has had their hand in the devel­op­ment and under­stand­ing of the reli­gion. Let God pun­ish those that have wronged. Who is man to judge.

  2. Shadowofears Avatar

    1. Media maligns Islam
    Islam is with­out doubt the best reli­gion but the media is in the hands of the west­ern­ers who are afraid of Islam. The media is con­tin­u­ous­ly broad­cast­ing and print­ing infor­ma­tion against Islam. They either pro­vide mis­in­for­ma­tion about Islam, mis­quote Islam or project a point out of pro­por­tion, if any.
    When any bomb blasts take place any­where, the first peo­ple to be accused with­out proof are invari­ably the Mus­lims. This appears as head­lines in the news. Lat­er, when they find that non-Mus­lims were respon­si­ble, it appears as an insignif­i­cant news’ item.
    If a 50 year old Mus­lim mar­ries a 15 year old girl after tak­ing her per­mis­sion, it appears on the front page but when a 50 year old non-Mus­lim rapes a 6 year old girl, it may appear in the news in the inside pages as News­briefs’. Every­day in Amer­i­ca on an aver­age 2,713 cas­es of rape take place but it doesn’t appear in the news, since it has become a way of life for the Americans.

    2. Black sheep in every community :
    I am aware that there are some Mus­lims who are dis­hon­est, unre­li­able, who cheat, etc. but the media projects this as though only Mus­lims are involved in such activ­i­ties. There are black sheep in every com­mu­ni­ty. I know Mus­lims who are alco­holics and who can drink most of the non-Mus­lims under the table.

    3. Mus­lims best as a whole :
    Inspite of all the black sheep in the Mus­lim com­mu­ni­ty, Mus­lims tak­en on the whole, yet form the best com­mu­ni­ty in the world. We are the biggest com­mu­ni­ty of tee-totallers as a whole, i.e. those who don’t imbibe alco­hol. Col­lec­tive­ly, we are a com­mu­ni­ty which gives the max­i­mum char­i­ty in the world. There is not a sin­gle per­son in the world who can even show a can­dle to the Mus­lims where mod­esty is con­cerned ; where sobri­ety is con­cerned ; where human val­ues and ethics are concerned.

    4. Don’t judge a car by its driver :
    If you want to judge how good is the lat­est mod­el of the Mer­cedes” car and a per­son who does not know how to dri­ve sits at the steer­ing wheel and bangs up the car, who will you blame ? The car or the dri­ver ? But nat­u­ral­ly, the dri­ver. To ana­lyze how good the car is, a per­son should not look at the dri­ver but see the abil­i­ty and fea­tures of the car. How fast is it, what is its aver­age fuel con­sump­tion, what are the safe­ty mea­sures, etc. Even if I agree for the sake of argu­ment that the Mus­lims are bad, we can’t judge Islam by its fol­low­ers ? If you want to judge how good Islam is then judge it accord­ing to its authen­tic sources, i.e. the Glo­ri­ous Qur’an and the Sahih Hadith.

    5. Judge Islam by its best fol­low­er i.e. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh):
    If you prac­ti­cal­ly want to check how good a car is put an expert dri­ver behind the steer­ing wheel. Sim­i­lar­ly the best and the most exem­plary fol­low­er of Islam by whom you can check how good Islam is, is the last and final mes­sen­ger of God, Prophet Muham­mad (pbuh). Besides Mus­lims, there are sev­er­al hon­est and unbi­ased non-Mus­lim his­to­ri­ans who have acclaimed that prophet Muham­mad was the best human being. Accord­ing to Michael H. Hart who wrote the book, The Hun­dred Most Influ­en­tial Men in His­to­ry’, the top­most posi­tion, i.e. the num­ber one posi­tion goes to the beloved prophet of Islam, Muham­mad (pbuh). There are sev­er­al such exam­ples of non-Mus­lims pay­ing great trib­utes to the prophet, like Thomas Car­lyle, La-Mar­tine, etc.

    A few select­ed vers­es from the Qur’an are often mis­quot­ed to per­pet­u­ate the myth that Islam pro­motes vio­lence, and exhorts its fol­low­ers to kill those out­side the pale of Islam.
    1. Verse from Surah Taubah
    The fol­low­ing verse from Surah Taubah is very often quot­ed by crit­ics of Islam, to show that Islam pro­motes vio­lence, blood­shed and brutality :
    Kill the mushriqeen (pagans, poly­the­ists, kuf­far) where ever you find them.”
    [Al-Qur’an 9:5]
    2. Con­text of verse is dur­ing battlefield
    Crit­ics of Islam actu­al­ly quote this verse out of con­text. In order to under­stand the con­text, we need to read from verse 1 of this surah. It says that there was a peace treaty between the Mus­lims and the Mushriqs (pagans) of Makkah. This treaty was vio­lat­ed by the Mushriqs of Makkah. A peri­od of four months was giv­en to the Mushriqs of Makkah to make amends. Oth­er­wise war would be declared against them. Verse 5 of Surah Taubah says :
    But when the for­bid­den months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wher­ev­er ye find them, and seize them, belea­guer them, and lie in wait for them in every strat­a­gem (of war); but if they repent, and estab­lish reg­u­lar prayers and prac­tise reg­u­lar char­i­ty, then open the way for them : for Allah is oft-for­giv­ing, Most merciful.”
    [Al-Qur’an 9:5]
    This verse is quot­ed dur­ing a battle.
    3. Exam­ple of war between Amer­i­ca and Vietnam
    We know that Amer­i­ca was once at war with Viet­nam. Sup­pose the Pres­i­dent of Amer­i­ca or the Gen­er­al of the Amer­i­can Army told the Amer­i­can sol­diers dur­ing the war : Wher­ev­er you find the Viet­namese, kill them”. Today if I say that the Amer­i­can Pres­i­dent said, Wher­ev­er you find Viet­namese, kill them” with­out giv­ing the con­text, I will make him sound like a butch­er. But if I quote him in con­text, that he said it dur­ing a war, it will sound very log­i­cal, as he was try­ing to boost the morale of the Amer­i­can sol­diers dur­ing the war.
    4. Verse 9:5 quot­ed to boost morale of Mus­lims dur­ing battle
    Sim­i­lar­ly in Surah Taubah chap­ter 9 verse 5 the Qur’an says, Kill the Mushriqs where ever you find them”, dur­ing a bat­tle to boost the morale of the Mus­lim sol­diers. What the Qur’an is telling Mus­lim sol­diers is, don’t be afraid dur­ing bat­tle ; wher­ev­er you find the ene­mies kill them.
    5. Shourie jumps from verse 5 to verse 7
    Arun Shourie is one of the staunchest crit­ics of Islam in India. He quotes the same verse, Surah Taubah chap­ter 9 verse 5 in his book The World of Fat­wahs’, on page 572. After quot­ing verse 5 he jumps to verse 7 of Surah Taubah. Any sen­si­ble per­son will realise that he has skipped verse 6.
    6. Surah Taubah chap­ter 9 verse 6 gives the answer
    Surah Taubah chap­ter 9 verse 6 gives the answer to the alle­ga­tion that Islam pro­motes vio­lence, bru­tal­i­ty and blood­shed. It says :
    If one amongst the pagans ask thee for asylum,grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah ; and then escort him to where he can be secure that is because they are men with­out knowledge.”
    [Al-Qur’an 9:6]
    The Qur’an not only says that a Mushriq seek­ing asy­lum dur­ing the bat­tle should be grant­ed refuge, but also that he should be escort­ed to a secure place. In the present inter­na­tion­al sce­nario, even a kind, peace-lov­ing army Gen­er­al, dur­ing a bat­tle, may let the ene­my sol­diers go free, if they want peace. But which army Gen­er­al will ever tell his sol­diers, that if the ene­my sol­diers want peace dur­ing a bat­tle, don’t just let them go free, but also escort them to a place of security ?
    This is exact­ly what Allah (swt) says in the Glo­ri­ous Qur’an to pro­mote peace in the world.

  3. Xman Avatar

    If you mar­ry a Mus­lim woman & then have chil­dren. What reli­gion will the kids be ? What if the woman wants them to grow up as Mus­lim and you dont ?

    This is a com­mon sce­nario that usu­al­ly ends up in divorce.

    Even if you did allow your wife to bring them up as Mus­lims, they would get con­fused by your actions as a non-mus­lim. There will be no har­mo­ny in such a household.

  4. Malikam X Avatar
    Malikam X

    Ishark, did you mean to say some­thing that did­nt come out when you sub­mit­ted yr comment.…

  5. terence Avatar

    Dav. what abt sura 9.111 ? I did­nt catch what you were try­ing to say abt it.

  6. startucuus Avatar

    Allow me to quote Don­ald Mor­gan’s com­ment on John 14:6 No one comes to the Father except
    through me.”

    If you must accept Jesus as your sav­ior in order to be saved {John 14:6}, what about the bil­lions of beings that die as fetus­es, infants, men­tal defi­cients, etc.? For them to accept Jesus would be impos­si­ble, so they are con­demned to hell because of con­di­tions over which they had no control.

    Also, if Bill Clin­ton said, I am THE Pres­i­dent…” Does it mean that he is the ONLY President ?

    hmm­m­mm.… (I am begin­ning to think that this hmm­m­mm thing is a very good and polite protocol)

  7. dav Avatar

    Hmmm Star­tu­cus, U are an inter­est­ing knowl­edgable thinker. God Bless you.

    Hi All,

    The Bible n The Quran were writ­ten long time ago. The Bible were record­ing of many phrophets. God gave the com­mand­ments as a guid­ance to the par­tic­u­lar ppl, the Israelites. The Quran called them the ppl of the Book, the LAW. So the Israelite are bound by the com­mand­ments God gave to them. So the it applies to the Israelites of that time. I think with­out The LAW once always claim igno­rance of what GOD wants. Is just like deal­ing with a child. Telling them what is right and what is wrong in your home(nation). What will hap­pen if the rules is bro­ken. Hoev­er a father in a home still loves the child (isralites). God being a lov­ing God will also reach out to his peo­ple. A lov­ing father would also to the same. Jere­mi­ah 31:31 God said,
    31Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah :

    32Not accord­ing to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt ; which my covenant they brake, although I was an hus­band unto them, saith the LORD :

    33But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel ; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts ; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

    34And they shall teach no more every man his neigh­bour, and every man his broth­er, say­ing, Know the LORD : for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the great­est of them, saith the LORD : for I will for­give their iniq­ui­ty, and I will remem­ber their sin no more.

    Jesus gave a new com­mand­ment ” A new com­mand­ment I give to you that you love one anoth­er as I have love you”. Here He has gave a strong mes­sage. If you love will you kill ? If you say you love will you steal ? The utmost impor­tance of all this is the direc­tion back to GOD. Jesus ful­filled the phroph­cies of the phrophets and more bet­ter showed the way to a mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ship with God for all ppl.

    John 14:6
    Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

    Nabi Isa here is mak­ing a serius state­ment, this the way. Believe in Me and I will show you the way”. He us not say­ing some­thing like” I myself is not sure if I am going to heav­en or telling you some­thing like Sura 9.111

    Again I will ask you, your deci­sion will either make a Lov­ing God hap­py or some­one else happy.

    Please read both the Injil(Gospel) to decide. Not because some­one else in a far away land tells you so.

  8. Ishark Avatar

    Dear, Malikam X
    Q4. Cir­cum­ci­sion. every man’s night­mare. How­ev­er, yr argument…u must keep what­ev­er God gave u…. I hope you dont believe that… pls make sure you cut yr nails and hair and brush yr teeth and etc, etc, etc… you get my drift ? Oth­er­wise, nev­er take the plane because if God had want­ed men to fly, He would haver giv­en them wings, huh?.”

  9. Ali Avatar

    Chris­tians are no longer bound by the Law but dead to it.”

    Hmm I guess that allows you com­plete author­i­ty to put aside the Thou shall Not KILL’, Thou shall not com­mitt Adul­tery’, Thou shall not steal’ etc etc all on that alleged demon­ic feel­ing’ inside you which push­es you towards anni­hi­lat­ing the Law while keep­ing you con­tent under the delu­sion that its God telling you to go ahead and break up all the com­mand­ments cos He Loves You’.

    Some hypocrisy — I guess the church did take that into con­sid­er­a­tion dur­ing the Cru­sades when All of the cru­saders FILLED with the Holy Ghost dec­i­mat­ed thou­sands of Arabs, Turks, Mus­lims, Jews and Chris­tians alike ALL because they believed Jesus loves them’.

    Chris­tians had best learn from their bloody past on the atroc­i­ties com­mit­ted by the church — a mer­ci­ful and peace­ful reli­gion — I think NOT. Fur­ther­more I won­der what do you chris­tians have to say about the fol­low­ing com­mand attrib­uted to Jesus in YOUR bible :

    For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be giv­en ; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be tak­en away from him. But those mine ene­mies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hith­er, and SLAY them before me. And when he had thus spo­ken, he went before, ascend­ing up to Jerusalem” (Luke 19:26 – 28)

    Hmmm kill all who don’t sub­mit to rule — does­n’t sound very peace­ful to me. Kin­da explains the atti­tude of the church over the years to non chris­tians. Also pret­ty much explains the Chris­t­ian Wests ram­page on the Islam­ic world.

    As for ask­ing Jesus whether he is God [fun­ny why you would resort to a gut feel­ing which you attribute to some holy spir­it that has no qualms on you rip off the sanc­ti­ty of the Law, rather than try and read what Jesus was alleged to have said in your bible] — if feel­ing good is all it takes for you guys to con­clude that some holy spir­it has entered you — well I guess you could con­clude that the tooth fairy is God, Bud­dha is God, hey even Vince McMa­hon could qual­i­fy base dupon your stu­pid assump­tions and weird orgy feel­ings of being infest­ed by some demon­ic pos­ses­sion that gets you falling on the floor bub­bling out gibberish.

  10. Ahmad Avatar

    Dear Ishark,

    I would sug­gest that you refer to the fol­low­ing site ie Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) who in my opin­ionc could give you a bet­ter insight of what Islam is all about. There are quite num­ber of arti­cles explained with sci­en­tif­ic fact about Allah is the Cre­ator and Islam as a whole and present it in a very lay­man terms.


    I have col­lect­ed 152 books and arti­cles of Harun Yahya and if you need it in a cd form,
    email me your home address at ripaai@​yahoo.​com, I’ll send them one, free of charge.

    If you are sin­cere enough to learn please refer.


  11. tariq Avatar

    good point Terence
    the bible also says tht OT is to be fol­lowed forever :

    The LORD heard you when you spoke to me and the LORD said to me, I have heard what this peo­ple said to you. Every­thing they said was good. Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my com­mands ALWAYS, so that it might go well with them and their CHILDREN FOREVER!”
    [Deuteron­o­my 5:28 – 29]

  12. Malikam X Avatar
    Malikam X

    Ishark Pls click on the fol­low­ing site. This may be the rea­son why the Moslems feel so strong­ly about the Quran.


  13. Malikam X Avatar
    Malikam X

    Ishark, kind­ly give me time to get back to your burn­ing and per­ti­nent and hard and long ques­tions. I’m com­par­ing reli­gions so..let me try. I’m try­ing to get some­thing back to you in 1 week’s time. But, for the time being some answers…

    Q3. Nope. I dont think it is writ­ten”. Lit­er­al­ly Quran (not Koran) means The Recita­tion”. It was revealed to Muham­mad and, as he was illit­er­ate, he would recite it to his com­pan­ions, who will then have it scribed. Its form, in Ara­bic, amaz­ing­ly, has not changed since it was revealed 1400 years ago. That’s why you have some peo­ple who are Hafizs” (mean­ing to guard/​preserve) that’s how it has been pre­serve with­out change from Day 1. Since it is regard­ed as the true Word of God, I would expect ANY true Word of God” to be per­fect, unchange­able. Also, I think, some­where in the Quran, the Quran itself CHALLENGES humans to cre­ate some­thing that can equal its accu­ra­cy and lin­guis­tic excel­lence. Quite amaz­ing, i guess.

    Q4. Cir­cum­ci­sion. every man’s night­mare. How­ev­er, yr argument…u must keep what­ev­er God gave u.… I hope you dont believe that… pls make sure you cut yr nails and hair and brush yr teeth and etc, etc, etc… you get my drift ? Oth­er­wise, nev­er take the plane because if God had want­ed men to fly, He would haver giv­en them wings, huh?.

    His­tor­i­cal­ly, how­ev­er, cir­cum­ci­sion was Abra­ham’s covenant/​promise to God that his seeds” and those who fol­low his way” will be cir­cum­cised. By the way, I have read some­where that Amer­i­cans do it because it seems to let them tahan longer”… (I’ve got to try it someday…)

    Q5. Actu­al­ly, ter­ror­ists come in all col­ors and shapes. MaoTze­Tung and the Shaolin monks were con­sid­ered Subversives/​rebels/​extremists. Ever heard of Michael Collins ? VCD da… He was with the IRA… ter­ror oo.

    More recent­ly, the Okla­homa City bomb­ing was a ter­ror­ist attack on April 19, 1995, in which the Alfred P. Mur­rah Fed­er­al Build­ing, a U.S. gov­ern­ment office com­plex in down­town Okla­homa City, Okla­homa, was destroyed, killing 168 peo­ple. It is the dead­liest domes­tic ter­ror­ist attack in the his­to­ry of the Unit­ed States and was the dead­liest act of ter­ror­ism with­in U.S. bor­ders until Sep­tem­ber 112001.

    Of course, the Mus­lim ter­ror­ists again, huh ? Nope.

    Two men lat­er con­vict­ed of the bomb­ing, Tim­o­thy McVeigh and his friend Ter­ry Nichols.
    Also, it was nev­er proven who actu­al­ly did the 911 job.

    Q6. If mus­lim woman wears tudung for the obvi­ous rea­sons, why is it they still put on cos­met­ics ? Isnt tat con­tra­dict­ing the very rea­son they wear a tudung for ?

    »»»»»> Right on, mate!!!
    »»»»»> You said it exact­ly the way it should be said. I cant add any­thing else.
    »»»»»> All of you Mus­lim women with tudung” and 2.53 inch thick cos­met­ics, lis­ten up!!!

  14. Terence Avatar


    If what Leon says is true, then Jesus lied.

    Because, the NET EFFECT was, if by the act of Jesus”, we are no longer bound by the Law , then Jesus DID, in effect, come to destroy…


  15. Leon Avatar

    Star­ta­cus, you fail to notice that Jesus pro­claimed from the cross that all was ful­filled and then He died. The Law and all that goes with it died with Jesus. The New Cre­ation com­menced at His Res­ur­rec­tion. Chris­tians are no longer bound by the Law but dead to it. Chris­tians live as a new cre­ation in Christ. Chris­tians no longer observe the Jew­ish Sab­bath but Sun­day, the Day Jesus rose from the dead and the first day of the new creation.

  16. Startucus Avatar

    Thank you, pvb. I appre­ci­ate your response. I will not use great words like peace, for­give­ness, grace and write beau­ti­ful essays. I am still study­ing life so if you may bear with my shortcomings.

    What you just did was you, your­self, by your OWN AUTHORITY, have sin­gle-hand­ed­ly ren­dered the Old Tes­ta­ment null and void”. I think even the nor­mal layper­son will ask, By what/​whose author­i­ty did he do that by?” …because it seems to me to it is a BIG and SERIOUS mat­ter, ie the abro­ga­tion of the Old Tes­ta­ment. So. Why dont we do this…

    Will you REALLY fol­low what Jesus” (your God) have him­self said, in your New tes­ta­ment even ?

    Do you REALLY want to know, in your own words, the path Jesus taught us (incl you) to FOLLOW”. Will you then REALLY FOLLOW ?

    What if, Jesus” so very solemn­ly affirms, that until heav­ens and the earth are no more” that .… NOT ONE JOT OR ONE TITTLE (not one dot, not one lit­tle stroke- he” is VERY seri­ous here) shall be dropped (or dis­ap­pear) from the Law of the Prophets till ALL be full­filled”? What if all this comes from the New Testament ?

    Will you then fol­low ? I hope you will not tell me that you will fol­low what oth­er MEN tell you. Espe­cial­ly when, YOUR GOD (“Jesus”) said, in very CLEAR and EXPLICIT words …

    In Matthew 5:17 – 18

    Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets ; I am not come to destroy, but to ful­fill. For ver­i­ly, I say unto you, till heav­en and earth pass, one jot or one tit­tle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled.”

    In your own beau­ti­ful words, for it is when we do not fol­low the words of Christ that we fail…”

  17. pvb Avatar


    You quote the Old Tes­ta­ment. That is the his­to­ry of Chris­tian­i­ty before the light of the world came to us. The Old Tes­ta­ment was the LAW before GOD gave us the GIFT OF GRACE through the sac­ri­fice of the per­fect light. You must use the New Test­n­ment to point to the fail­ures of Chris­tains, for it is when we do not fol­low the words of Christ that we fail because we are only human.

    Mohamed, Mohd Shafeeque, Sis­ter Safiyyah

    Just the same Mus­lims believe that we can not under­stand your book the Koran!!!


    Chris­tain­i­ty deals with truth of what is in your heart, for­give­ness and grace. What good is there if only in the out­ward appear­ance but in the heart, Islam is being cursed for forc­ing a per­son to stay com­mit­ted to a reli­gion they no longer follow ?

    The strongest pow­er in the world is for­give­ness and grace, that is the path Jesus taught us to fol­low and that is the path what true Chris­tains are try­ing to follow.

  18. Ishark Avatar

    I just got a few burn­ing ques­tions to ask the mus­lim bors and sis.I meant no offence here should i offend any­one who there, pls accept my sin­cere apol­o­gy first.
    Case in point, I’m in love wif a mus­lim woman right now.But still being a non-mus­lim, things r real­ly get­ting dif­fi­cult for me here as there r tonnes of things i do not understand.I hope u guys do give me a pin­ter or two.
    1) Why is it that i must con­vert to islam should i mar­ry a mus­lim ? If so, even if i dun believe in the reli­gion, but becoz i wan­na be wif the per­son i love, how ? No choice right, be it like it or not i have to convert.Why is it tat reli­gion must divide a true love ?

    2) Every­one should be giv­en a choice to choose their reli­gion and not born wif it.Watz the point of being hard wired since birth to believe some things but end up when u grow up, armed wif edu­ca­tion, log­ic and com­mon sense, u decide to renounce or leave the reli­gion, can ppl judge u ? ulti­mate­ly, itz between u and the god if there hap­pens to be one in the first place.What rights go oth­ers have to place judge­ment on u but God himself ?

    3) Koran is wri­iten, and humans do make mis­takes, so am I cor­rect to say the itz might not be the entire­ly cor­rect ? Reli­gion is juz a way to guide u but by con­trol­ling u juz makes things wrong.

    4) U r born wif wat­ev­er God has giv­en you, why is it then tat u have to cir­cum­cise, to remove that piece of flesh tat god has giv­en u ?

    5) If ter­ror­ists have mis­in­ter­pret the teach­ings of koran, then why is it only mus­lims have ter­ror­ists ? How come we dont have chris­t­ian or bud­dhist terrorists ?

    6) If mus­lim woman wears tudung for the obvi­ous rea­sons, why is it they still put on cos­met­ics ? Isnt tat con­tra­dict­ing the very rea­son they wear a tudung for ?

    7) If ppl can con­vert to islam then why mus­lims can­not con­vert out of islam ? Isnt it so self­ish and unreasonable ?

    8) If addic­tion is con­sid­er a sin then should all mus­lims be lead­ing a sec­u­lar life ? Every­day ppl r juz sat­is­fy­ing their addic­tion, be it tv pro­grammes, food or oth­er world­ly desires.

    Sor­ry once again if i offend­ed any­one here, but i do hope to have my ques­tions answered.Thank u

  19. Startucus Avatar

    Gila & Co, please refer to the Bible which strong­ly states of apostacy…

    Deuteron­o­my 13:6 – 9 If your very own broth­er, or your son or daugh­ter, or the wife you love, or your clos­est friend secret­ly entices you, say­ing : Let us go and wor­ship oth­er gods (gods that nei­ther you nor your fathers have known, gods of the peo­ples around you, whether near or far, from one end of Dthe land to the oth­er, or gods of oth­er reli­gions), do not yield to him or lis­ten to him. Show him no pity.o not spare him or shield him. You must cer­tain­ly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people.”

    Deuteron­o­my 17:3 – 5 And he should go and wor­ship oth­er gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heav­ens, .….and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die.”

    2 Chron­i­cles 15:13 All who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman.”

  20. Startucus Avatar

    I have also enjoyed being on the side­lines, but I could­nt help but to
    be amazed that Gila adds 1+1=1. How about 1+1+1=1 ?

    sor­ry, not reli­gious, just maths crazy.

  21. Bishop Ben Avatar
    Bishop Ben

    It is not to mean what we say that it isn’t her choice to choose what­ev­er reli­gion she wants. She is free to believe what­ev­er she wants to believe. We can­not con­trol her heart of desires.

    BUT it is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the whole com­mu­ni­ty to stop and deter apos­ta­sy from hap­pen­ing. There­fore, it is for the community’re respon­si­bil­i­ty to pun­ish apostates. ”

    I see. Peo­ple have a right to believe what they want and mus­lims have a right to kill them for believ­ing it.

  22. Mohamed Avatar

    How did you get to the con­clu­sion that all mus­lims don’t know any­thing about oth­er reli­gions and besides in the Bible there is a lot of mis­takes and stat­ments that con­tra­dicts each others.

  23. gila Avatar

    let me ask all the mus­lim. if you guys were born as bud­dhist or hind­hu or any oth­er cult, would you want to embrace that reli­gion till death ? why ? same goes to lina joy. she was born as a mus­lim. she did­n’t have any choice to choose her reli­gion when she was born ? she was a mus­lim because of her ances­tors are mus­lim. same goes with you guys out there. you guys did­n’t any choice at all. born as mus­lim, brought up as mus­lim, etc…

    what mat­ters is what you believe after you study and learn. you can’t expect a new born baby to believe 1+1=1, rite ? you mus­lim guys out there may not have a chance to learn about oth­er reli­gion. or maybe you guys nev­er opened up your heart to learn about oth­er religion.

    for you mus­lim guys out there, i want you to do one thing. if you don’t believe that Jesus is God, i urge you guys to chal­lenge Him. Ask Jesus to prove him­self as god. say it out loud but don’t be scared. you’ll even­tu­al­ly expe­ri­ence it. Jesus loves you. He’s long­ing after you to be with him. We wants you to love him too.

  24. Sister Safiyyah Avatar
    Sister Safiyyah

    To the Non-Muslims,

    It is not to mean what we say that it isn’t her choice to choose what­ev­er reli­gion she wants. She is free to believe what­ev­er she wants to believe. We can­not con­trol her heart of desires.

    BUT it is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the whole com­mu­ni­ty to stop and deter apos­ta­sy from hap­pen­ing. There­fore, it is for the com­mu­ni­ty’re respon­si­bil­i­ty to pun­ish apostates.

    The prob­lem with West­ern defined human rights, they nev­er take account the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the com­mu­ni­ty. To each is his own, they say. So, when one errs, in a West­ern soci­ety -> to each his own.

    Have you ever seen the reac­tion of the West­ern com­mu­ni­ty in gen­er­al when one of his mem­bers err ? Take a look at some West­ern forums deal­ing with issues like adul­tery and such, a lot of them will say, It is actu­al­ly bad, but you’re enti­tled to your own choice”. Even­though, leav­ing it up to the per­son who com­mits the wrong has dev­as­tat­ed the fam­i­ly, espe­cial­ly chil­dren. Indi­vid­u­al­is­tic West­ern­ers says it is their right to do the moral wrong.

    In Islam, whence com­mu­ni­ty respon­si­bil­i­ty works hand in hand with respon­si­bil­i­ty of the indi­vid­ual, the mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty would stop/​deter this act of adul­tery. The one’s with more under­stand­ing and grant­ed hikmah will then bring the adul­ter­er to the right path of peace through coun­sel­ing and such (adul­tery can be con­sid­ered a dis­ease or a slip of igno­rance too). Else, if all fails, after treat­ment and coun­sel­ing, then if the adul­ter­er is detri­men­tal to soci­ety (in which the wrong-doer jus­ti­fies his actions as his right and a right action (even­though it is wrong), then the hudud laws comes in.

    You see, what you don’t real­ize about life is, what you do in life, effect oth­ers around you. Say you were about to run away from home, not only will this deci­sion effect you, but will effect your fam­i­ly and friends who love you.

    The West­ern com­mu­ni­ty is out of love.

    Stone heart­ed.

    Sis­ter Safiyyah

  25. julthefool Avatar

    Hel­lo, I made a detailed com­men­tary on this arti­cle after it appeared in The Star a while back. If you’re inter­est­ed you can read it here : http://​www​.julthe​fool​.com/​i​n​d​e​x​.​p​h​p​?​/​a​r​c​h​i​v​e​s​/​108​-​L​o​s​i​n​g​-​m​y​-​r​e​l​i​g​i​o​n​.​h​tml
    Per­son­al­ly, I think it should be up to an indi­vid­ual to decide whether they want to stay in a reli­gion or not.

  26. Mohd Shafeeque Avatar
    Mohd Shafeeque


    It is a seri­ous crime to even doubt about ALlah(SWT) and the prophet­hood of Muhmmad(S.A.w) If some­one leaves islam then I think they deserve that pun­ish­ment. No one should leave Islam becuaese if you were born as mus­lim to mus­lim par­ents then you have been taught all about islam. There is no excuise for such a per­son to leave Isam even after know­ing that it is a true reli­gion wor­ship­ping the one and only true god Allah(SWT).

    And think about the pun­ishemtn in here­after also. They will be pun­ish­ment in hell for eter­ni­ty. Is it real­ly worth it ? Peo­ple leave islam becos they live in the west or because con­di­tions become hard­er for them to remain mus­lim. But if we have true imaan we should over­come all this obsta­cles and still prac­tise islam ad proud­ly call our­selfves mulim. Just becos Islam is called ter­ror­ism and mur­deres by biased media con­trolled by the jews we cant leave our reli­gion. That is a very sil­ly deci­sion. Allah (SWT) will nev­er for­give any­one for that. Leav­ing the ummah is the worst sin.

  27. tariq Avatar

    i could nev­er under­stand y a mus­lim would want to denounce his religion.
    Death penal­ty for apos­ta­sy is a good way to make a mus­lim think again before becom­ing a kafir. this way he may do some research and may find that Islam real­ly is the Truth and will not denounce his reli­gion and there­fore will be saved in the hereafter.

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